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If you update the relic quantities on this page, any opened items page will reflect these changes.
For brevity, forma drops have been omitted from the table below. See the Warframe Wiki site for more details on the relic rewards (opens in new window).
When filtering relics on name or part name, you often only need to enter the first few letters of a word in the name. Note that the matching is done from the start of the words. So if you enter "ax chass" only Axi-series relics containing a chassis will show, whereas "ax" alone will show all Axi relics, and "chass" alone will show all relics containing a chassis. When searching for short names, you can make the match exact by putting a dot (.) behind the word; "Bo" will match all Bo-related stuff as well as Boltors, but "Bo." will only match the Bo's. Note that any other filtering is ignored when you filter by name; this way you can keep your filters applied and still access hidden relics.
Under each relic you can indicate if and how you want to run void fissure relic shares for them. Once you have set the desired share options for each relic, and once you have filtered out the relics you want to run for, you can generate the corresponding recruitment "Looking for..." chat text and copy it to the clipboard by clicking on the "Generate chat LF" button below. Note that relics you do not own will automatically be skipped. After that, you can just paste it in the Warframe recruitment chat window. Creating the text however requires JavaScript support in your browser, which you do not seem to have.
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