BEWARE: you're on the public demo account; don't expect your changes to be permanent!

Relics overview


  • Relics:
    • Neo N8: relics that you need because they hold a part you do not have enough of to built your 1st set.
    • Trade icons: lead to the site for more trade details on that relic (opens in new window).
      Note: the links always point to the trade page for the "Intact" version of the relic; if you want trade details of other versions, you have to navigate the site yourself.
    • : rating system, from "useless" via "neutral" to "favored".
  • Rewards:
    • BFG Prime Barrel: prime parts of item sets you have already built.
    • BFG Prime Barrel: prime parts you do not have enough of to build your 1st set (where the item's set is not rated useless).
    • Gun Prime Barrel: prime parts of item sets you have rated as useless.
    • 23 x (per 2): how many you already have of this, and optionally how many are needed to build one set; this includes both blueprints and already built ingredient items, since both are usable for crafting a set.
    • The Relics and Items pages will update each other's status if you have both of them open simultaneously.

If you update the relic quantities on this page, any opened items page will reflect these changes.

For brevity, forma drops have been omitted from the table below. See the Warframe Wiki site for more details on the relic rewards (opens in new window).

When filtering relics on name or part name, you often only need to enter the first few letters of a word in the name. Note that the matching is done from the start of the words. So if you enter "ax chass" only Axi-series relics containing a chassis will show, whereas "ax" alone will show all Axi relics, and "chass" alone will show all relics containing a chassis. When searching for short names, you can make the match exact by putting a dot (.) behind the word; "Bo" will match all Bo-related stuff as well as Boltors, but "Bo." will only match the Bo's. Note that any other filtering is ignored when you filter by name; this way you can keep your filters applied and still access hidden relics.

Under each relic you can indicate if and how you want to run void fissure relic shares for them. Once you have set the desired share options for each relic, and once you have filtered out the relics you want to run for, you can generate the corresponding recruitment "Looking for..." chat text and copy it to the clipboard by clicking on the "Generate chat LF" button below. Note that relics you do not own will automatically be skipped. After that, you can just paste it in the Warframe recruitment chat window. Creating the text however requires JavaScript support in your browser, which you do not seem to have.

. The below is now on your clipboard:
Relic ownage: 645 collected.
Relic types: 141 collected out of 644; 503 to go.
,    show only relics named or containing: ,    or show only:

Sorry, you have no relics of that kind...

Relic name Quantity Common rewards Uncommon rewards Rare rewards
Lith A1 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Vasto Prime Receiver: 0x
Saryn Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Vectis Prime Blueprint: 1x
Akstiletto Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith A2 Trade
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Valkyr Prime Blueprint: 0x
Akbronco Prime Link: 1x
Cernos Prime Blueprint: 0x
Akstiletto Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith A3 Trade
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Rubico Prime Receiver: 2x
Akbolto Prime Barrel: 4x (per 2)
Tiberon Prime Blueprint: 0x
Akjagara Prime Barrel: 0x (per 2)
Lith A4 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Corinth Prime Blueprint: 2x
Baza Prime Barrel: 0x
Ivara Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Astilla Prime Barrel: 1x
Lith A5 Trade
Tekko Prime Gauntlet: 0x (per 2)
Vasto Prime Barrel: 0x
Akstiletto Prime Barrel: 0x (per 2)
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Atlas Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Lith A6 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Hildryn Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Masseter Prime Handle: 0x
Shade Prime Systems: 0x Akarius Prime Receiver: 0x (per 2)
Lith B1 Trade
Ankyros Prime Blueprint: 1x
Mag Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Boltor Prime Receiver: 3x
Rhino Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Boar Prime Stock: 0x
Lith B2 Trade
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Tigris Prime Stock: 1x
Braton Prime Receiver: 0x
Orthos Prime Blade: 2x (per 2)
Ballistica Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith B3 Trade
Burston Prime Blueprint: 0x
Limbo Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Cernos Prime String: 4x
Orthos Prime Blade: 2x (per 2)
Ballistica Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith B4 Trade
Ankyros Prime Blueprint: 1x
Nyx Prime Blueprint: 1x
Rhino Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Scindo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Boltor Prime Blueprint: 1x
Lith B5 Trade
Banshee Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Oberon Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Orthos Prime Blade: 2x (per 2)
Rubico Prime Stock: 2x
Ballistica Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith B6 Trade
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Limbo Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Orthos Prime Blueprint: 1x
Redeemer Prime Blueprint: 1x
Ballistica Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith B7 Trade
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Tipedo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Aksomati Prime Barrel: 1x (per 2)
Orthos Prime Blueprint: 1x
Baza Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith B8 Trade
Aksomati Prime Blueprint: 5x
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Dethcube Prime Systems: 0x
Atlas Prime Chassis Blueprint: 10x
Ivara Prime Blueprint: 0x
Baza Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith B9 Trade
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Oberon Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Braton Prime Receiver: 0x
Silva & Aegis Prime Blueprint: 0x
Baza Prime Stock: 0x
Lith B10 Trade
Astilla Prime Receiver: 1x
Phantasma Prime Receiver: 0x
Harrow Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Strun Prime Barrel: 0x
Baruuk Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith B11 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Knell Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Harrow Prime Blueprint: 1x
Baruuk Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith C1 Trade
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Nova Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Nova Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Kavasa Prime Band: 0x Carrier Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Lith C2 Trade
Bronco Prime Receiver: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Venka Prime Blades: 2x (per 2)
Akbolto Prime Barrel: 4x (per 2)
Nami Skyla Prime Handle: 3x (per 2)
Cernos Prime Lower Limb: 4x
Lith C3 Trade
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Silva & Aegis Prime Hilt: 1x
Sybaris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Helios Prime Blueprint: 2x
Chroma Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Lith C4 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Orthos Prime Blade: 2x (per 2)
Chroma Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Lith C5 Trade
Saryn Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Spira Prime Blueprint: 1x
Valkyr Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Venka Prime Blueprint: 1x
Cernos Prime Lower Limb: 4x
Lith C6 Trade
Equinox Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Braton Prime Receiver: 0x
Mesa Prime Blueprint: 1x
Corinth Prime Stock: 0x
Lith C7 Trade
Hikou Prime Pouch: 0x (per 2)
Valkyr Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nyx Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Scindo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Cernos Prime Lower Limb: 4x
Lith C8 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Tiberon Prime Blueprint: 0x
Zephyr Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Rubico Prime Stock: 2x Chroma Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Lith C9 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Octavia Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Pandero Prime Barrel: 0x
Scourge Prime Handle: 0x
Corinth Prime Stock: 0x
Lith C10 Trade
Garuda Prime Blueprint: 0x
Masseter Prime Handle: 0x
Khora Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Nagantaka Prime Receiver: 0x
Cobra & Crane Prime Guard: 0x
Lith C11 Trade
Acceltra Prime Blueprint: 1x
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Gunsen Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fulmin Prime Stock: 0x
Phantasma Prime Blueprint: 0x
Cobra & Crane Prime Guard: 0x
Lith C12 Trade
Okina Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Sevagoth Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Shade Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Fulmin Prime Stock: 0x
Grendel Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Cobra & Crane Prime Guard: 0x
Lith D1 Trade
Atlas Prime Blueprint: 0x
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Mesa Prime Blueprint: 1x
Ninkondi Prime Chain: 0x
Dethcube Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith D2 Trade
Equinox Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Wukong Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Redeemer Prime Blueprint: 1x
Dethcube Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Lith D3 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Ivara Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Stradavar Prime Receiver: 0x
Corinth Prime Receiver: 1x
Ninkondi Prime Chain: 0x
Dethcube Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith D4 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Ninkondi Prime Chain: 0x
Zakti Prime Barrel: 0x
Dethcube Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith D5 Trade
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Redeemer Prime Blade: 0x
Mesa Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Pyrana Prime Receiver: 0x
Destreza Prime Blade: 0x
Lith D6 Trade
Burston Prime Blueprint: 0x
Corvas Prime Receiver: 1x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nagantaka Prime Stock: 0x
Dual Keres Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith E1 Trade
Ankyros Prime Blueprint: 1x
Boltor Prime Barrel: 3x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Rhino Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Ember Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith F1 Trade
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Paris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Odonata Prime Blueprint: 0x
Scindo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fragor Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith F2 Trade
Hikou Prime Stars: 0x (per 2)
Odonata Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Vauban Prime Blueprint: 1x
Lith G1 Trade
Frost Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Latron Prime Blueprint: 0x
Reaper Prime Handle: 0x
Ember Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x Glaive Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith G2 Trade
Bo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Latron Prime Stock: 0x
Wyrm Prime Cerebrum: 1x
Frost Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Loki Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Glaive Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith G3 Trade
Octavia Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Zhuge Prime String: 1x
Panthera Prime Stock: 0x Guandao Prime Handle: 0x
Lith G4 Trade
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Octavia Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Inaros Prime Blueprint: 0x
Titania Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Guandao Prime Handle: 0x
Lith G5 Trade
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Octavia Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Volnus Prime Blueprint: 1x
Strun Prime Stock: 0x Garuda Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Lith G6 Trade
Afuris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Knell Prime Receiver: 0x
Tatsu Prime Blade: 0x
Garuda Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Lith G7 Trade
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Nezha Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Zakti Prime Barrel: 0x
Guandao Prime Handle: 0x
Lith G8 Trade
Corvas Prime Receiver: 1x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Fulmin Prime Stock: 0x
Grendel Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith G9 Trade
Dual Keres Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Khora Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Gauss Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Lith G10 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Fulmin Prime Barrel: 0x
Cobra & Crane Prime Blueprint: 0x
Hildryn Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Gunsen Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Lith G11 Trade
Titania Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Vasto Prime Receiver: 0x
Corinth Prime Receiver: 1x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Gara Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith G12 Trade
Burston Prime Blueprint: 0x
Cobra & Crane Prime Hilt: 0x
Zylok Prime Barrel: 0x
Larkspur Prime Receiver: 0x Gauss Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Lith G13 Trade
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Masseter Prime Handle: 0x
Grendel Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Wisp Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Gunsen Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Lith H1 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Saryn Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Akstiletto Prime Barrel: 0x (per 2)
Nami Skyla Prime Handle: 3x (per 2)
Helios Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Lith H2 Trade
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Zephyr Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Oberon Prime Blueprint: 0x
Orthos Prime Blueprint: 1x
Helios Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Lith H3 Trade
Astilla Prime Receiver: 1x
Nezha Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Titania Prime Blueprint: 0x Harrow Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Lith H4 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Inaros Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Nezha Prime Blueprint: 0x
Harrow Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Lith H5 Trade
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Pandero Prime Barrel: 0x
Strun Prime Barrel: 0x
Harrow Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Lith H6 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Tatsu Prime Blueprint: 0x
Volnus Prime Blueprint: 1x
Nagantaka Prime Stock: 0x
Strun Prime Stock: 0x
Hystrix Prime Receiver: 0x
Lith H7 Trade
Cobra & Crane Prime Hilt: 0x
Khora Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Volnus Prime Blueprint: 1x
Akbronco Prime Link: 1x Harrow Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Lith H8 Trade
Braton Prime Receiver: 0x
Hildryn Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Magnus Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nagantaka Prime Stock: 0x Hystrix Prime Receiver: 0x
Lith H9 Trade
Afuris Prime Barrel: 2x (per 2)
Garuda Prime Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Fulmin Prime Blueprint: 0x Hystrix Prime Receiver: 0x
Lith H10 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Galatine Prime Handle: 0x
Nekros Prime Blueprint: 0x
Harrow Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Lith I1 Trade
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Pandero Prime Blueprint: 1x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Karyst Prime Handle: 0x
Ivara Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Lith K1 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Odonata Prime Harness Blueprint: 0x
Tigris Prime Barrel: 0x
Trinity Prime Blueprint: 0x
Kavasa Prime Buckle: 0x
Lith K2 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Rubico Prime Receiver: 2x
Zephyr Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Braton Prime Receiver: 0x Kogake Prime Gauntlet: 1x (per 2)
Lith K3 Trade
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Rubico Prime Receiver: 2x
Tiberon Prime Blueprint: 0x
Wukong Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Kronen Prime Blade: 1x (per 2)
Lith K4 Trade
Dual Kamas Prime Blueprint: 1x
Nova Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Soma Prime Receiver: 0x
Trinity Prime Blueprint: 0x
Kavasa Prime Buckle: 0x
Lith K5 Trade
Helios Prime Carapace: 0x
Mirage Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Akbolto Prime Barrel: 4x (per 2)
Banshee Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Kogake Prime Gauntlet: 1x (per 2)
Lith K6 Trade
Aksomati Prime Receiver: 2x (per 2)
Atlas Prime Blueprint: 0x
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Gara Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Grip: 0x
Karyst Prime Blade: 0x
Lith K7 Trade
Baza Prime Receiver: 0x
Guandao Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Octavia Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x Karyst Prime Blade: 0x
Lith K8 Trade
Braton Prime Receiver: 0x
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Limbo Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Trinity Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Kavasa Prime Buckle: 0x
Lith K9 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Astilla Prime Stock: 0x
Guandao Prime Blueprint: 0x
Khora Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith K10 Trade
Corvas Prime Stock: 1x
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Paris Prime String: 1x
Larkspur Prime Stock: 0x
Nidus Prime Blueprint: 0x
Knell Prime Receiver: 0x
Lith K11 Trade
Tigris Prime Stock: 1x
Vasto Prime Barrel: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nekros Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Knell Prime Barrel: 0x
Lith L1 Trade
Destreza Prime Handle: 0x
Kogake Prime Boot: 2x (per 2)
Equinox Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Zhuge Prime Blueprint: 0x
Limbo Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Lith L2 Trade
Equinox Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Pyrana Prime Barrel: 0x
Redeemer Prime Blade: 0x
Braton Prime Receiver: 0x
Tekko Prime Blueprint: 0x
Limbo Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Lith L3 Trade
Dual Kamas Prime Blueprint: 1x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Pyrana Prime Barrel: 0x
Kavasa Prime Band: 0x
Trinity Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Limbo Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Lith L4 Trade
Boar Prime Receiver: 0x
Mag Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Reaper Prime Blueprint: 0x
Vasto Prime Blueprint: 0x
Latron Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith M1 Trade
Boar Prime Receiver: 0x
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Dakra Prime Blueprint: 0x
Soma Prime Blueprint: 1x
Mag Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith M2 Trade
Dakra Prime Handle: 1x
Nova Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Soma Prime Barrel: 1x
Boar Prime Barrel: 0x Mag Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith M3 Trade
Paris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Silva & Aegis Prime Hilt: 1x
Oberon Prime Blueprint: 0x
Rubico Prime Stock: 2x
Mesa Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Lith M4 Trade
Akjagara Prime Blueprint: 1x
Equinox Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Destreza Prime Blueprint: 0x
Stradavar Prime Barrel: 0x
Mesa Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Lith M5 Trade
Atlas Prime Blueprint: 0x
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Redeemer Prime Blade: 0x
Stradavar Prime Barrel: 0x
Titania Prime Blueprint: 0x
Mesa Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Lith M6 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Inaros Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Akjagara Prime Receiver: 0x (per 2)
Dethcube Prime Carapace: 0x
Mesa Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Lith M7 Trade
Akbolto Prime Blueprint: 1x
Banshee Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Kogake Prime Boot: 2x (per 2)
Euphona Prime Barrel: 1x Mirage Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith M8 Trade
Dakra Prime Handle: 1x
Vasto Prime Barrel: 0x
Frost Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Reaper Prime Blade: 0x
Mag Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith M9 Trade
Gauss Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Shade Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Hildryn Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x Masseter Prime Blade: 0x
Lith N1 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Nekros Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Akbronco Prime Link: 1x Nova Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Lith N2 Trade
Carrier Prime Systems: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Spira Prime Blueprint: 1x
Helios Prime Blueprint: 2x
Kavasa Prime Band: 0x
Nekros Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Lith N3 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Sybaris Prime Stock: 0x
Valkyr Prime Blueprint: 0x
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x Nekros Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith N4 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Gram Prime Blade: 0x
Atlas Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Ivara Prime Blueprint: 0x
Ninkondi Prime Handle: 0x (per 2)
Lith N5 Trade
Stradavar Prime Stock: 0x
Zhuge Prime String: 1x
Braton Prime Receiver: 0x
Ivara Prime Blueprint: 0x
Ninkondi Prime Handle: 0x (per 2)
Lith N6 Trade
Aksomati Prime Receiver: 2x (per 2)
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Zhuge Prime Grip: 1x
Inaros Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Stradavar Prime Barrel: 0x
Nezha Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Lith N7 Trade
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Octavia Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Ivara Prime Blueprint: 0x
Pangolin Prime Blade: 0x
Nidus Prime Chassis Blueprint: 2x
Lith N8 Trade
Aksomati Prime Blueprint: 5x
Astilla Prime Receiver: 1x
Pandero Prime Blueprint: 1x
Titania Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Zakti Prime Barrel: 0x
Nezha Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Lith N9 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Redeemer Prime Blade: 0x
Akjagara Prime Receiver: 0x (per 2)
Mesa Prime Blueprint: 1x
Nami Skyla Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Lith N10 Trade
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Inaros Prime Blueprint: 0x
Titania Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Nezha Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Lith N11 Trade
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Pandero Prime Blueprint: 1x
Astilla Prime Stock: 0x
Zakti Prime Barrel: 0x
Nezha Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Lith N12 Trade
Astilla Prime Receiver: 1x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Nezha Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Strun Prime Barrel: 0x
Nidus Prime Chassis Blueprint: 2x
Lith N13 Trade
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Stradavar Prime Stock: 0x
Tipedo Prime Ornament: 0x (per 2)
Wukong Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Ninkondi Prime Handle: 0x (per 2)
Lith N14 Trade
Afuris Prime Barrel: 2x (per 2)
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Hystrix Prime Barrel: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x Nagantaka Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith N15 Trade
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Wisp Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Baruuk Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Cobra & Crane Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nautilus Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Lith N16 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Gunsen Prime Blueprint: 0x
Gauss Prime Blueprint: 0x
Trumna Prime Stock: 0x
Nautilus Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Lith O1 Trade
Ballistica Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Burston Prime Blueprint: 0x
Rubico Prime Receiver: 2x
Akbolto Prime Barrel: 4x (per 2) Oberon Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Lith O2 Trade
Bo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Volt Prime Blueprint: 0x
Wyrm Prime Cerebrum: 1x
Loki Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x Odonata Prime Wings Blueprint: 0x
Lith O3 Trade
Guandao Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Tenora Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nezha Prime Blueprint: 0x
Octavia Prime Blueprint: 1x
Lith P1 Trade
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Helios Prime Carapace: 0x
Sybaris Prime Stock: 0x
Braton Prime Receiver: 0x Pyrana Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith P2 Trade
Burston Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tipedo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Ballistica Prime Receiver: 0x
Gram Prime Blueprint: 0x
Pyrana Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith P3 Trade
Atlas Prime Blueprint: 0x
Stradavar Prime Stock: 0x
Akjagara Prime Link: 1x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Panthera Prime Barrel: 0x
Lith P4 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Titania Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Equinox Prime Blueprint: 0x Panthera Prime Barrel: 0x
Lith P5 Trade
Atlas Prime Blueprint: 0x
Bronco Prime Receiver: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Guandao Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tekko Prime Blueprint: 0x
Pangolin Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith P6 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Gara Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Harrow Prime Blueprint: 1x
Volnus Prime Head: 1x
Phantasma Prime Stock: 0x
Lith P7 Trade
Akjagara Prime Blueprint: 1x
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Destreza Prime Blueprint: 0x
Mesa Prime Blueprint: 1x
Pyrana Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith P8 Trade
Afuris Prime Barrel: 2x (per 2)
Bronco Prime Receiver: 0x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Baruuk Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x Phantasma Prime Barrel: 0x
Lith P9 Trade
Hildryn Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Bronco Prime Barrel: 0x
Larkspur Prime Receiver: 0x
Protea Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Lith R1 Trade
Hydroid Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Mesa Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Ballistica Prime Receiver: 0x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Redeemer Prime Handle: 0x
Lith R2 Trade
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Octavia Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Scourge Prime Blade: 0x
Nidus Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tenora Prime Stock: 0x
Revenant Prime Blueprint: 1x
Lith R3 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Scourge Prime Blade: 0x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Harrow Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Revenant Prime Blueprint: 1x
Lith R4 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Khora Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Garuda Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Zylok Prime Receiver: 0x
Revenant Prime Blueprint: 1x
Lith R5 Trade
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Zylok Prime Barrel: 0x
Akarius Prime Link: 0x
Tatsu Prime Blade: 0x
Revenant Prime Blueprint: 1x
Lith S1 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Hikou Prime Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Paris Prime Grip: 0x Spira Prime Pouch: 0x (per 2)
Lith S2 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Carrier Prime Systems: 0x
Nyx Prime Blueprint: 1x
Kavasa Prime Band: 0x Soma Prime Stock: 1x
Lith S3 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Carrier Prime Systems: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Ash Prime Blueprint: 1x
Soma Prime Receiver: 0x
Spira Prime Pouch: 0x (per 2)
Lith S4 Trade
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Kavasa Prime Collar Blueprint: 1x
Trinity Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Saryn Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith S5 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Carrier Prime Carapace: 0x
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Akbronco Prime Link: 1x
Galatine Prime Handle: 0x
Spira Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Lith S6 Trade
Dual Kamas Prime Blueprint: 1x
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Kavasa Prime Band: 0x
Valkyr Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Spira Prime Pouch: 0x (per 2)
Lith S7 Trade
Galatine Prime Blade: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Mirage Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Akbolto Prime Link: 0x
Paris Prime Grip: 0x
Sybaris Prime Barrel: 0x
Lith S8 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Gram Prime Blade: 0x
Orthos Prime Blueprint: 1x
Rubico Prime Barrel: 0x
Stradavar Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith S9 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Sybaris Prime Stock: 0x
Oberon Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tigris Prime Receiver: 0x
Silva & Aegis Prime Guard: 0x
Lith S10 Trade
Burston Prime Blueprint: 0x
Dethcube Prime Systems: 0x
Mesa Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Baza Prime Barrel: 0x
Orthos Prime Blueprint: 1x
Stradavar Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith S11 Trade
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Volnus Prime Blueprint: 1x
Orthos Prime Blueprint: 1x
Pangolin Prime Blade: 0x
Strun Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith S12 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Corvas Prime Stock: 1x
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Gara Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Strun Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith S13 Trade
Wukong Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Zhuge Prime Grip: 1x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Equinox Prime Blueprint: 0x
Stradavar Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith S14 Trade
Knell Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Revenant Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Scourge Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith S15 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Hystrix Prime Barrel: 0x
Harrow Prime Blueprint: 1x
Khora Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Shade Prime Carapace: 0x
Lith T1 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Burston Prime Blueprint: 0x
Ballistica Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Valkyr Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Tigris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith T2 Trade
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Valkyr Prime Blueprint: 0x
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Silva & Aegis Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tiberon Prime Stock: 0x
Lith T3 Trade
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Galatine Prime Blade: 0x
Oberon Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Nekros Prime Blueprint: 0x Tigris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith T4 Trade
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Tekko Prime Gauntlet: 0x (per 2)
Zakti Prime Receiver: 0x
Dethcube Prime Carapace: 0x
Karyst Prime Handle: 0x
Titania Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Lith T5 Trade
Corinth Prime Blueprint: 2x
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Titania Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Zhuge Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tenora Prime Barrel: 0x
Lith T6 Trade
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Rubico Prime Barrel: 0x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Kronen Prime Handle: 3x (per 2)
Tiberon Prime Stock: 0x
Lith T7 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Gara Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Ivara Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Strun Prime Barrel: 0x
Titania Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Lith T8 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Gara Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Zakti Prime Receiver: 0x
Astilla Prime Stock: 0x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Titania Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Lith T9 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nidus Prime Blueprint: 0x
Zakti Prime Barrel: 0x
Tenora Prime Barrel: 0x
Lith T10 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Phantasma Prime Receiver: 0x
Bronco Prime Barrel: 0x
Dual Keres Prime Handle: 0x (per 2)
Tatsu Prime Handle: 0x
Lith T11 Trade
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Vasto Prime Barrel: 0x
Astilla Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Titania Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Lith T12 Trade
Larkspur Prime Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Velox Prime Receiver: 0x
Orthos Prime Blade: 2x (per 2) Tatsu Prime Handle: 0x
Lith V1 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Volt Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x Fragor Prime Handle: 0x
Lith V2 Trade
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x Vauban Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Lith V3 Trade
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Cernos Prime Upper Limb: 3x
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Helios Prime Systems: 0x
Tigris Prime Barrel: 0x
Valkyr Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Lith V4 Trade
Nekros Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Spira Prime Blueprint: 1x
Venka Prime Blades: 2x (per 2)
Helios Prime Blueprint: 2x
Tigris Prime Barrel: 0x
Vauban Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Lith V5 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Banshee Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Akbolto Prime Barrel: 4x (per 2)
Ballistica Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Valkyr Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Lith V6 Trade
Cernos Prime Grip: 4x
Nikana Prime Blueprint: 0x
Venka Prime Blades: 2x (per 2)
Saryn Prime Blueprint: 0x Valkyr Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Lith V7 Trade
Carrier Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fragor Prime Head: 0x
Vectis Prime Barrel: 0x
Akstiletto Prime Link: 0x
Ash Prime Blueprint: 1x
Vauban Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Lith V8 Trade
Ash Prime Chassis Blueprint: 2x
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fragor Prime Handle: 0x
Vectis Prime Stock: 0x
Vauban Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Lith V9 Trade
Atlas Prime Blueprint: 0x
Vasto Prime Receiver: 0x
Braton Prime Receiver: 0x
Dethcube Prime Carapace: 0x
Vauban Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Lith V10 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Carrier Prime Carapace: 0x
Panthera Prime Stock: 0x
Vectis Prime Receiver: 0x
Lith W1 Trade
Gram Prime Blade: 0x
Mirage Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Akbolto Prime Link: 0x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Wukong Prime Blueprint: 1x
Lith W2 Trade
Rubico Prime Receiver: 2x
Stradavar Prime Receiver: 0x
Baza Prime Barrel: 0x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Wukong Prime Blueprint: 1x
Lith W3 Trade
Dual Keres Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Hildryn Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Corvas Prime Blueprint: 1x
Larkspur Prime Stock: 0x
Wisp Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Lith W4 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Protea Prime Blueprint: 0x
Epitaph Prime Barrel: 0x
Masseter Prime Blueprint: 0x
Wisp Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Lith X1 Trade
Larkspur Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Shade Prime Systems: 0x
Xaku Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lith Z1 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Mirage Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Cernos Prime Blueprint: 0x Zephyr Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Lith Z2 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nami Skyla Prime Blueprint: 0x
Helios Prime Systems: 0x
Silva & Aegis Prime Blueprint: 0x
Zephyr Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Lith Z3 Trade
Braton Prime Receiver: 0x
Magnus Prime Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Nagantaka Prime Stock: 0x
Volnus Prime Head: 1x
Zakti Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso A1 Trade
Ballistica Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Sybaris Prime Stock: 0x
Kronen Prime Handle: 3x (per 2) Akjagara Prime Barrel: 0x (per 2)
Meso A2 Trade
Tipedo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Zhuge Prime Grip: 1x
Equinox Prime Blueprint: 0x
Zephyr Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Akbolto Prime Receiver: 0x (per 2)
Meso A3 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Nidus Prime Systems Blueprint: 2x
Tenora Prime Blueprint: 0x
Knell Prime Receiver: 0x Astilla Prime Barrel: 1x
Meso A4 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Corvas Prime Receiver: 1x
Scourge Prime Blade: 0x
Braton Prime Receiver: 0x
Gara Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Afuris Prime Receiver: 2x (per 2)
Meso A5 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Grendel Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Khora Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Afuris Prime Link: 2x
Fulmin Prime Blueprint: 0x
Acceltra Prime Barrel: 1x
Meso A6 Trade
Corinth Prime Blueprint: 2x
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Titania Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Vasto Prime Blueprint: 0x
Astilla Prime Barrel: 1x
Meso A7 Trade
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Paris Prime String: 1x
Sevagoth Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Orthos Prime Blade: 2x (per 2)
Akarius Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso B1 Trade
Dakra Prime Handle: 1x
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Mag Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Orthos Prime Blueprint: 1x
Boar Prime Stock: 0x
Meso B2 Trade
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Oberon Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Silva & Aegis Prime Hilt: 1x
Hydroid Prime Blueprint: 0x
Kronen Prime Handle: 3x (per 2)
Banshee Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Meso B3 Trade
Nova Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Soma Prime Blueprint: 1x
Dakra Prime Blueprint: 0x
Mag Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Boar Prime Stock: 0x
Meso B4 Trade
Bronco Prime Receiver: 0x
Chroma Prime Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Redeemer Prime Blueprint: 1x
Wukong Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Baza Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso B5 Trade
Ivara Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Karyst Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nidus Prime Systems Blueprint: 2x
Guandao Prime Blueprint: 0x
Volnus Prime Head: 1x
Baza Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso B6 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Magnus Prime Blueprint: 0x
Octavia Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Paris Prime Grip: 0x Baza Prime Stock: 0x
Meso B7 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Akjagara Prime Link: 1x
Redeemer Prime Blueprint: 1x
Ballistica Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso B8 Trade
Grendel Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Corvas Prime Blueprint: 1x
Tatsu Prime Blade: 0x
Baruuk Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso B9 Trade
Afuris Prime Barrel: 2x (per 2)
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Larkspur Prime Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Shade Prime Blueprint: 0x
Baruuk Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso B10 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Ember Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Glaive Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Sicarus Prime Blueprint: 0x
Boltor Prime Blueprint: 1x
Meso C1 Trade
Nova Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Saryn Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Ash Prime Blueprint: 1x
Scindo Prime Handle: 0x
Carrier Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Meso C2 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Cernos Prime Upper Limb: 3x
Galatine Prime Blade: 0x
Odonata Prime Blueprint: 0x
Valkyr Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Carrier Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Meso C3 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nami Skyla Prime Blueprint: 0x
Helios Prime Blueprint: 2x
Saryn Prime Blueprint: 0x
Cernos Prime Lower Limb: 4x
Meso C4 Trade
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Ivara Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Mesa Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Atlas Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x Chroma Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Meso C5 Trade
Burston Prime Blueprint: 0x
Stradavar Prime Stock: 0x
Tipedo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Chroma Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x Corinth Prime Barrel: 1x
Meso C6 Trade
Baza Prime Receiver: 0x
Burston Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Nezha Prime Blueprint: 0x Corinth Prime Stock: 0x
Meso C7 Trade
Burston Prime Blueprint: 0x
Inaros Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Karyst Prime Handle: 0x
Vectis Prime Blueprint: 1x
Carrier Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Meso C8 Trade
Bronco Prime Receiver: 0x
Nagantaka Prime Barrel: 0x
Phantasma Prime Receiver: 0x
Harrow Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Scourge Prime Handle: 0x
Cobra & Crane Prime Guard: 0x
Meso C9 Trade
Hildryn Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Revenant Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Corvas Prime Barrel: 1x
Meso C10 Trade
Astilla Prime Receiver: 1x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Gara Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Corinth Prime Barrel: 1x
Meso D1 Trade
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Orthos Prime Blade: 2x (per 2) Dual Kamas Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Meso D2 Trade
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Helios Prime Systems: 0x
Valkyr Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Destreza Prime Blade: 0x
Meso D3 Trade
Akbolto Prime Blueprint: 1x
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Kronen Prime Handle: 3x (per 2)
Nami Skyla Prime Handle: 3x (per 2)
Destreza Prime Blade: 0x
Meso D4 Trade
Akjagara Prime Blueprint: 1x
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Chroma Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Dethcube Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Meso D5 Trade
Soma Prime Barrel: 1x
Trinity Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Nova Prime Blueprint: 1x
Vasto Prime Blueprint: 0x
Dual Kamas Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Meso D6 Trade
Ivara Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Octavia Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Aksomati Prime Barrel: 1x (per 2)
Nezha Prime Blueprint: 0x
Dethcube Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Meso D7 Trade
Afuris Prime Barrel: 2x (per 2)
Nidus Prime Systems Blueprint: 2x
Nagantaka Prime Receiver: 0x
Strun Prime Stock: 0x
Dual Keres Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso E1 Trade
Bo Prime Ornament: 0x (per 2)
Frost Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Latron Prime Barrel: 0x
Wyrm Prime Systems: 0x Ember Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso E2 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Destreza Prime Handle: 0x
Pyrana Prime Barrel: 0x
Akbolto Prime Link: 0x
Rubico Prime Stock: 2x
Equinox Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Meso E3 Trade
Bronco Prime Receiver: 0x
Destreza Prime Handle: 0x
Atlas Prime Chassis Blueprint: 10x
Stradavar Prime Barrel: 0x
Equinox Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Meso E4 Trade
Baza Prime Receiver: 0x
Paris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tekko Prime Blueprint: 0x
Titania Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Equinox Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Meso E5 Trade
Helios Prime Carapace: 0x
Mirage Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Banshee Prime Blueprint: 0x
Helios Prime Blueprint: 2x
Euphona Prime Receiver: 0x
Meso E6 Trade
Paris Prime String: 1x
Xaku Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Akbronco Prime Link: 1x
Masseter Prime Blueprint: 0x
Epitaph Prime Receiver: 0x
Meso F1 Trade
Bronco Prime Receiver: 0x
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Saryn Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Dual Kamas Prime Handle: 0x (per 2)
Nekros Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Fragor Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso F2 Trade
Ember Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Latron Prime Stock: 0x
Sicarus Prime Barrel: 0x
Reaper Prime Blade: 0x Frost Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso F3 Trade
Ember Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Loki Prime Blueprint: 0x
Reaper Prime Handle: 0x
Glaive Prime Disc: 0x Frost Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso F4 Trade
Latron Prime Stock: 0x
Reaper Prime Handle: 0x
Boar Prime Blueprint: 0x
Mag Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Frost Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso F5 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Gunsen Prime Blueprint: 0x
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Paris Prime Grip: 0x
Shade Prime Systems: 0x
Fulmin Prime Receiver: 0x
Meso G1 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Venka Prime Blades: 2x (per 2)
Ballistica Prime String: 0x
Silva & Aegis Prime Blade: 0x
Galatine Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso G2 Trade
Equinox Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Atlas Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Guandao Prime Handle: 0x
Meso G3 Trade
Harrow Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Strun Prime Receiver: 0x
Karyst Prime Handle: 0x
Panthera Prime Stock: 0x
Gara Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso G4 Trade
Bronco Prime Receiver: 0x
Corvas Prime Receiver: 1x
Octavia Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Scourge Prime Handle: 0x Guandao Prime Handle: 0x
Meso G5 Trade
Corvas Prime Stock: 1x
Khora Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nagantaka Prime Stock: 0x
Phantasma Prime Blueprint: 0x
Gunsen Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Meso G6 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Tatsu Prime Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Grip: 0x
Zylok Prime Receiver: 0x
Grendel Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso G7 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Cobra & Crane Prime Hilt: 0x
Wisp Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Okina Prime Handle: 0x (per 2)
Tatsu Prime Blade: 0x
Gauss Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Meso G8 Trade
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Sevagoth Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Quassus Prime Blueprint: 0x Grendel Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso H1 Trade
Hydroid Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Mirage Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fragor Prime Blueprint: 0x
Oberon Prime Blueprint: 0x
Helios Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Meso H2 Trade
Guandao Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Nidus Prime Systems Blueprint: 2x
Nezha Prime Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Harrow Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Meso H3 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Octavia Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Zakti Prime Receiver: 0x
Astilla Prime Blueprint: 0x Hystrix Prime Receiver: 0x
Meso H4 Trade
Baruuk Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Larkspur Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nagantaka Prime Barrel: 0x
Knell Prime Receiver: 0x
Strun Prime Barrel: 0x
Harrow Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Meso H5 Trade
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Paris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Gauss Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Revenant Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Hildryn Prime Blueprint: 1x
Meso H6 Trade
Baruuk Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Revenant Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Cobra & Crane Prime Blade: 0x Hystrix Prime Receiver: 0x
Meso H7 Trade
Baruuk Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fulmin Prime Blueprint: 0x Hildryn Prime Blueprint: 1x
Meso H8 Trade
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Nagantaka Prime Barrel: 0x
Corvas Prime Blueprint: 1x
Dual Keres Prime Handle: 0x (per 2)
Hystrix Prime Receiver: 0x
Meso I1 Trade
Corinth Prime Blueprint: 2x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Titania Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Atlas Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Orthos Prime Blade: 2x (per 2)
Inaros Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Meso I2 Trade
Burston Prime Blueprint: 0x
Karyst Prime Blueprint: 0x
Astilla Prime Blueprint: 0x
Guandao Prime Blueprint: 0x
Inaros Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Meso K1 Trade
Cernos Prime Upper Limb: 3x
Nekros Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Akstiletto Prime Barrel: 0x (per 2)
Tigris Prime Receiver: 0x
Kogake Prime Gauntlet: 1x (per 2)
Meso K2 Trade
Mirage Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Chroma Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Wukong Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Kronen Prime Blade: 1x (per 2)
Meso K3 Trade
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Ninkondi Prime Blueprint: 0x
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Wukong Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x Karyst Prime Blade: 0x
Meso K4 Trade
Garuda Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nagantaka Prime Barrel: 0x
Phantasma Prime Receiver: 0x
Knell Prime Receiver: 0x Khora Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso K5 Trade
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Gara Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Cobra & Crane Prime Blueprint: 0x
Revenant Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Knell Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso K6 Trade
Hystrix Prime Barrel: 0x
Larkspur Prime Blueprint: 0x
Orthos Prime Blade: 2x (per 2)
Wisp Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Knell Prime Receiver: 0x
Meso L1 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Ninkondi Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tipedo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Chroma Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Dethcube Prime Carapace: 0x
Limbo Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Meso L2 Trade
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Mesa Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Akjagara Prime Receiver: 0x (per 2)
Vasto Prime Blueprint: 0x
Limbo Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Meso M1 Trade
Ankyros Prime Gauntlet: 0x (per 2)
Boltor Prime Barrel: 3x
Dakra Prime Handle: 1x
Boar Prime Barrel: 0x
Rhino Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Mag Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso M2 Trade
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Kogake Prime Boot: 2x (per 2)
Paris Prime String: 1x
Akjagara Prime Link: 1x
Silva & Aegis Prime Blade: 0x
Mirage Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso M3 Trade
Ballistica Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Gram Prime Blade: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Equinox Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Kogake Prime Blueprint: 1x
Mirage Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso M4 Trade
Dual Keres Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Larkspur Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2) Masseter Prime Blade: 0x
Meso N1 Trade
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Dual Kamas Prime Handle: 0x (per 2) Nyx Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Meso N2 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Hikou Prime Blueprint: 0x
Ash Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 2x Vauban Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Meso N3 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Carrier Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Euphona Prime Barrel: 1x
Nekros Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso N4 Trade
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Saryn Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Oberon Prime Blueprint: 0x Nikana Prime Blade: 0x
Meso N5 Trade
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Hydroid Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tigris Prime Receiver: 0x
Nekros Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Meso N6 Trade
Boltor Prime Barrel: 3x
Hikou Prime Pouch: 0x (per 2)
Rhino Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Scindo Prime Handle: 0x
Nyx Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Meso N7 Trade
Kronen Prime Blueprint: 1x
Limbo Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Pyrana Prime Barrel: 0x
Gram Prime Blueprint: 0x Ninkondi Prime Handle: 0x (per 2)
Meso N8 Trade
Cernos Prime Upper Limb: 3x
Valkyr Prime Blueprint: 0x
Cernos Prime String: 4x
Valkyr Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Nikana Prime Hilt: 0x
Meso N9 Trade
Paris Prime String: 1x
Tekko Prime Gauntlet: 0x (per 2)
Akjagara Prime Link: 1x
Ivara Prime Blueprint: 0x
Ninkondi Prime Handle: 0x (per 2)
Meso N10 Trade
Ivara Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Pangolin Prime Handle: 0x
Tipedo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Bronco Prime Barrel: 0x
Panthera Prime Stock: 0x
Ninkondi Prime Handle: 0x (per 2)
Meso N11 Trade
Cernos Prime Upper Limb: 3x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Scindo Prime Handle: 0x
Valkyr Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x Nyx Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Meso N12 Trade
Knell Prime Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Zakti Prime Receiver: 0x
Inaros Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nidus Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nagantaka Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso N13 Trade
Braton Prime Receiver: 0x
Harrow Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Revenant Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Astilla Prime Stock: 0x
Garuda Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Nidus Prime Chassis Blueprint: 2x
Meso N14 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Phantasma Prime Receiver: 0x
Cobra & Crane Prime Blade: 0x
Shade Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nidus Prime Chassis Blueprint: 2x
Meso N15 Trade
Pandero Prime Blueprint: 1x
Zakti Prime Receiver: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Octavia Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Nezha Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Meso N16 Trade
Scourge Prime Blade: 0x
Vasto Prime Receiver: 0x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Tigris Prime Barrel: 0x
Nekros Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Meso N17 Trade
Acceltra Prime Blueprint: 1x
Masseter Prime Handle: 0x
Akarius Prime Link: 0x
Velox Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nautilus Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso O1 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Akstiletto Prime Link: 0x
Cernos Prime String: 4x
Oberon Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Meso O2 Trade
Cernos Prime Upper Limb: 3x
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Tiberon Prime Receiver: 0x
Akbronco Prime Link: 1x
Mirage Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Oberon Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Meso O3 Trade
Loki Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Odonata Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Volt Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Wyrm Prime Systems: 0x
Odonata Prime Wings Blueprint: 0x
Meso O4 Trade
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Silva & Aegis Prime Hilt: 1x
Galatine Prime Handle: 0x
Nekros Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Oberon Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Meso O5 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Harrow Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Gara Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Nagantaka Prime Receiver: 0x
Octavia Prime Blueprint: 1x
Meso O6 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Ivara Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Sybaris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Silva & Aegis Prime Blade: 0x
Oberon Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Meso P1 Trade
Bronco Prime Receiver: 0x
Chroma Prime Blueprint: 0x
Oberon Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Ballistica Prime Receiver: 0x
Silva & Aegis Prime Blueprint: 0x
Pyrana Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso P2 Trade
Baza Prime Receiver: 0x
Braton Prime Receiver: 0x
Ivara Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Zhuge Prime Blueprint: 0x
Panthera Prime Receiver: 0x
Meso P3 Trade
Karyst Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Zhuge Prime Grip: 1x
Mesa Prime Blueprint: 1x Pangolin Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso P4 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Burston Prime Blueprint: 0x
Corinth Prime Receiver: 1x
Titania Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Panthera Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso P5 Trade
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Tenora Prime Blueprint: 0x
Zakti Prime Receiver: 0x
Gara Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x Panthera Prime Receiver: 0x
Meso P6 Trade
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Destreza Prime Handle: 0x
Kavasa Prime Collar Blueprint: 1x
Trinity Prime Blueprint: 0x
Pyrana Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso P7 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Nezha Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Garuda Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Guandao Prime Blueprint: 0x
Panthera Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso P8 Trade
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Garuda Prime Blueprint: 0x
Khora Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Nidus Prime Blueprint: 0x
Zakti Prime Barrel: 0x
Pandero Prime Receiver: 1x
Meso P9 Trade
Khora Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Nidus Prime Systems Blueprint: 2x
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Nagantaka Prime Receiver: 0x
Revenant Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Pandero Prime Receiver: 1x
Meso P10 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Strun Prime Receiver: 0x
Harrow Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Phantasma Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso P11 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Harrow Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Dual Keres Prime Handle: 0x (per 2)
Hildryn Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Phantasma Prime Stock: 0x
Meso P12 Trade
Carrier Prime Blueprint: 0x
Vectis Prime Barrel: 0x
Ash Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 2x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Panthera Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso P13 Trade
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Fulmin Prime Barrel: 0x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Akbronco Prime Link: 1x
Garuda Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Phantasma Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso P14 Trade
Baruuk Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Garuda Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Hildryn Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Shade Prime Systems: 0x
Phantasma Prime Stock: 0x
Meso R1 Trade
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Tiberon Prime Receiver: 0x
Akbronco Prime Link: 1x
Ballistica Prime String: 0x
Rubico Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso R2 Trade
Aksomati Prime Blueprint: 5x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Destreza Prime Blueprint: 0x
Mesa Prime Blueprint: 1x
Rubico Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso R3 Trade
Akjagara Prime Blueprint: 1x
Pangolin Prime Handle: 0x
Zhuge Prime Grip: 1x
Bronco Prime Barrel: 0x
Dethcube Prime Carapace: 0x
Rubico Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso R4 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Gram Prime Blade: 0x
Zephyr Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Chroma Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x Rubico Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso R5 Trade
Baruuk Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Hystrix Prime Barrel: 0x
Astilla Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nidus Prime Blueprint: 0x
Revenant Prime Blueprint: 1x
Meso S1 Trade
Nova Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tigris Prime Stock: 1x
Odonata Prime Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Soma Prime Stock: 1x
Meso S2 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Galatine Prime Blade: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Paris Prime Grip: 0x Saryn Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Meso S3 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nekros Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Valkyr Prime Blueprint: 0x
Ash Prime Blueprint: 1x Spira Prime Pouch: 0x (per 2)
Meso S4 Trade
Banshee Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Galatine Prime Blade: 0x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Trinity Prime Blueprint: 0x
Saryn Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso S5 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Saryn Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x Sybaris Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso S6 Trade
Galatine Prime Blade: 0x
Helios Prime Carapace: 0x
Valkyr Prime Blueprint: 0x
Cernos Prime String: 4x
Tigris Prime Receiver: 0x
Spira Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Meso S7 Trade
Cernos Prime Upper Limb: 3x
Venka Prime Blades: 2x (per 2)
Nami Skyla Prime Handle: 3x (per 2)
Paris Prime Grip: 0x
Sybaris Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso S8 Trade
Bronco Prime Receiver: 0x
Gram Prime Blade: 0x
Ballistica Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Sybaris Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso S9 Trade
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Spira Prime Blueprint: 1x
Saryn Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x Spira Prime Pouch: 0x (per 2)
Meso S10 Trade
Corinth Prime Blueprint: 2x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Aksomati Prime Barrel: 1x (per 2)
Titania Prime Blueprint: 0x
Strun Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso S11 Trade
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Pangolin Prime Handle: 0x
Paris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Octavia Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Strun Prime Stock: 0x
Scourge Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso S12 Trade
Bronco Prime Receiver: 0x
Garuda Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tatsu Prime Blueprint: 0x
Braton Prime Stock: 0x Scourge Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso S13 Trade
Knell Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Tigris Prime Receiver: 0x
Scourge Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso S14 Trade
Ankyros Prime Gauntlet: 0x (per 2)
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Ember Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Rhino Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Sicarus Prime Receiver: 0x
Meso T1 Trade
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x Tiberon Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso T2 Trade
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Banshee Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tigris Prime Receiver: 0x
Tiberon Prime Stock: 0x
Meso T3 Trade
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Chroma Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Limbo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tiberon Prime Stock: 0x
Meso T4 Trade
Ninkondi Prime Blueprint: 0x
Zhuge Prime Grip: 1x
Paris Prime Grip: 0x
Wukong Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Tenora Prime Receiver: 0x
Meso T5 Trade
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Tekko Prime Gauntlet: 0x (per 2)
Astilla Prime Stock: 0x
Panthera Prime Stock: 0x
Tenora Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso T6 Trade
Dethcube Prime Systems: 0x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Akstiletto Prime Receiver: 0x (per 2)
Vauban Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Tekko Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Meso T7 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Okina Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Wisp Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Akarius Prime Link: 0x
Gauss Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Trumna Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso V1 Trade
Burston Prime Blueprint: 0x
Carrier Prime Blueprint: 0x
Spira Prime Blueprint: 1x
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x Vectis Prime Receiver: 0x
Meso V2 Trade
Ash Prime Chassis Blueprint: 2x
Paris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Vasto Prime Receiver: 0x
Volt Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x Nikana Prime Blade: 0x
Meso V3 Trade
Carrier Prime Blueprint: 0x
Spira Prime Blueprint: 1x
Kavasa Prime Band: 0x
Volt Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Valkyr Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Meso V4 Trade
Carrier Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Ash Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 2x
Valkyr Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Vauban Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Meso V5 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Cernos Prime Grip: 4x
Spira Prime Blueprint: 1x
Euphona Prime Barrel: 1x
Silva & Aegis Prime Blueprint: 0x
Venka Prime Gauntlet: 0x (per 2)
Meso V6 Trade
Akstiletto Prime Barrel: 0x (per 2)
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Carrier Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Vauban Prime Blueprint: 1x
Vectis Prime Receiver: 0x
Meso V7 Trade
Knell Prime Blueprint: 0x
Scourge Prime Blade: 0x
Dual Keres Prime Handle: 0x (per 2)
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Volnus Prime Handle: 0x
Meso V8 Trade
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Fragor Prime Head: 0x
Tekko Prime Blueprint: 0x
Vasto Prime Blueprint: 0x
Vauban Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Meso V9 Trade
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fulmin Prime Barrel: 0x
Afuris Prime Link: 2x
Baruuk Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Velox Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso V10 Trade
Acceltra Prime Blueprint: 1x
Protea Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fulmin Prime Stock: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Velox Prime Barrel: 0x
Meso W1 Trade
Tekko Prime Gauntlet: 0x (per 2)
Tipedo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Zhuge Prime String: 1x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Zephyr Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Wukong Prime Blueprint: 1x
Meso W2 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Stradavar Prime Receiver: 0x
Tipedo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Zhuge Prime Receiver: 1x
Wukong Prime Blueprint: 1x
Meso W3 Trade
Hystrix Prime Barrel: 0x
Phantasma Prime Receiver: 0x
Larkspur Prime Stock: 0x
Orthos Prime Blade: 2x (per 2)
Wisp Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso W4 Trade
Afuris Prime Barrel: 2x (per 2)
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Protea Prime Blueprint: 0x
Gunsen Prime Handle: 0x (per 2) Wisp Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso W5 Trade
Acceltra Prime Blueprint: 1x
Shade Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Cobra & Crane Prime Blade: 0x
Phantasma Prime Blueprint: 0x
Wisp Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Meso Z1 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Helios Prime Blueprint: 2x
Limbo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Zephyr Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso Z2 Trade
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Redeemer Prime Blade: 0x
Sybaris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Hydroid Prime Blueprint: 0x
Rubico Prime Barrel: 0x
Zephyr Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Meso Z3 Trade
Chroma Prime Blueprint: 0x
Stradavar Prime Receiver: 0x
Akjagara Prime Link: 1x
Rubico Prime Barrel: 0x
Zephyr Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Meso Z4 Trade
Titania Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Volnus Prime Blueprint: 1x
Bronco Prime Barrel: 0x
Tenora Prime Stock: 0x
Zakti Prime Blueprint: 0x
Meso Z5 Trade
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Guandao Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tenora Prime Barrel: 0x
Zakti Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo A1 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Carrier Prime Systems: 0x
Cernos Prime String: 4x
Vectis Prime Blueprint: 1x
Akstiletto Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo A2 Trade
Kronen Prime Blueprint: 1x
Limbo Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Pyrana Prime Barrel: 0x
Zephyr Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x Akbolto Prime Receiver: 0x (per 2)
Neo A3 Trade
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Mesa Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Zhuge Prime Grip: 1x
Atlas Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Equinox Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Akjagara Prime Barrel: 0x (per 2)
Neo A4 Trade
Carrier Prime Carapace: 0x
Vauban Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Ash Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 2x
Vectis Prime Blueprint: 1x
Akstiletto Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo A5 Trade
Gara Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Karyst Prime Handle: 0x
Octavia Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Atlas Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Neo A6 Trade
Burston Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nami Skyla Prime Blueprint: 0x
Ballistica Prime String: 0x
Hydroid Prime Blueprint: 0x
Akjagara Prime Barrel: 0x (per 2)
Neo A7 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Atlas Prime Chassis Blueprint: 10x
Dethcube Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Akstiletto Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo A8 Trade
Garuda Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Nidus Prime Systems Blueprint: 2x
Baruuk Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Strun Prime Stock: 0x
Astilla Prime Barrel: 1x
Neo A9 Trade
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Pyrana Prime Barrel: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Limbo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Akjagara Prime Barrel: 0x (per 2)
Neo A10 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Inaros Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Panthera Prime Receiver: 0x
Ash Prime Systems Blueprint: 2x
Neo A11 Trade
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Revenant Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Braton Prime Receiver: 0x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Akarius Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo A12 Trade
Akarius Prime Barrel: 0x (per 2)
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Larkspur Prime Stock: 0x
Revenant Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Acceltra Prime Barrel: 1x
Neo A13 Trade
Akarius Prime Barrel: 0x (per 2)
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Sevagoth Prime Blueprint: 0x
Wisp Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Acceltra Prime Barrel: 1x
Neo B1 Trade
Bronco Prime Receiver: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Trinity Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Vectis Prime Stock: 0x
Banshee Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Neo B2 Trade
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tigris Prime Stock: 1x
Venka Prime Blueprint: 1x Banshee Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Neo B3 Trade
Boar Prime Blueprint: 0x
Rhino Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Dakra Prime Blade: 1x
Mag Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Boltor Prime Blueprint: 1x
Neo B4 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Hydroid Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Kronen Prime Handle: 3x (per 2)
Tigris Prime Barrel: 0x
Banshee Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Neo B5 Trade
Ballistica Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Destreza Prime Blueprint: 0x
Oberon Prime Blueprint: 0x
Banshee Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Neo B6 Trade
Euphona Prime Blueprint: 1x
Mirage Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Akbolto Prime Link: 0x
Kogake Prime Blueprint: 1x
Banshee Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Neo B7 Trade
Aksomati Prime Receiver: 2x (per 2)
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tenora Prime Blueprint: 0x
Dethcube Prime Carapace: 0x
Tekko Prime Blueprint: 0x
Baza Prime Stock: 0x
Neo B8 Trade
Frost Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Vasto Prime Receiver: 0x
Dakra Prime Blueprint: 0x
Latron Prime Receiver: 0x
Boar Prime Stock: 0x
Neo B9 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Velox Prime Receiver: 0x
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Gunsen Prime Handle: 0x (per 2)
Baruuk Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Neo C1 Trade
Kronen Prime Blueprint: 1x
Limbo Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Mesa Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Pyrana Prime Receiver: 0x
Redeemer Prime Blueprint: 1x
Chroma Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Neo C2 Trade
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Nidus Prime Systems Blueprint: 2x
Magnus Prime Receiver: 0x
Orthos Prime Blueprint: 1x
Corvas Prime Barrel: 1x
Neo C3 Trade
Corvas Prime Stock: 1x
Strun Prime Receiver: 0x
Magnus Prime Receiver: 0x
Paris Prime Grip: 0x
Cobra & Crane Prime Guard: 0x
Neo C4 Trade
Gunsen Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Scourge Prime Blade: 0x
Hildryn Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Corvas Prime Barrel: 1x
Neo C5 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Garuda Prime Blueprint: 0x
Hystrix Prime Blueprint: 0x
Khora Prime Blueprint: 0x
Corvas Prime Barrel: 1x
Neo D1 Trade
Boar Prime Blueprint: 0x
Mag Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Vasto Prime Barrel: 0x
Trinity Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x Dakra Prime Blade: 1x
Neo D2 Trade
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Nezha Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Equinox Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Titania Prime Blueprint: 0x
Dethcube Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Neo D3 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Nezha Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Zakti Prime Barrel: 0x Dethcube Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo D4 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Trinity Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Dual Kamas Prime Handle: 0x (per 2)
Limbo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Destreza Prime Blade: 0x
Neo D5 Trade
Paris Prime Upper Limb: 0x
Strun Prime Receiver: 0x
Volnus Prime Blueprint: 1x
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Corvas Prime Blueprint: 1x
Dual Keres Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo D6 Trade
Braton Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Akstiletto Prime Link: 0x
Fragor Prime Handle: 0x
Dethcube Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo D7 Trade
Corvas Prime Receiver: 1x
Wisp Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Khora Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Knell Prime Receiver: 0x
Dual Keres Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo D8 Trade
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Nagantaka Prime Barrel: 0x
Tatsu Prime Blueprint: 0x
Larkspur Prime Receiver: 0x Dual Keres Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo E1 Trade
Frost Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Loki Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Wyrm Prime Blueprint: 0x
Reaper Prime Blade: 0x Ember Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo E2 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Corinth Prime Blueprint: 2x
Dethcube Prime Systems: 0x
Atlas Prime Chassis Blueprint: 10x
Zakti Prime Barrel: 0x
Equinox Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Neo E3 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Zhuge Prime String: 1x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Stradavar Prime Barrel: 0x
Equinox Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Neo E4 Trade
Afuris Prime Barrel: 2x (per 2)
Paris Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Gauss Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Epitaph Prime Receiver: 0x
Neo F1 Trade
Ember Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Sicarus Prime Barrel: 0x
Sicarus Prime Blueprint: 0x
Bo Prime Handle: 0x Frost Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo F2 Trade
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Shade Prime Cerebrum: 0x
Cobra & Crane Prime Blade: 0x
Nagantaka Prime Receiver: 0x
Fulmin Prime Receiver: 0x
Neo F3 Trade
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Khora Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Phantasma Prime Receiver: 0x
Acceltra Prime Receiver: 1x
Larkspur Prime Receiver: 0x
Fulmin Prime Receiver: 0x
Neo G1 Trade
Kogake Prime Boot: 2x (per 2)
Mirage Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Hydroid Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime Grip: 0x
Gram Prime Handle: 0x
Neo G2 Trade
Dethcube Prime Systems: 0x
Redeemer Prime Blade: 0x
Pyrana Prime Receiver: 0x
Zhuge Prime Blueprint: 0x
Gram Prime Handle: 0x
Neo G3 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Silva & Aegis Prime Blueprint: 0x
Sybaris Prime Receiver: 0x
Galatine Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo G4 Trade
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Hystrix Prime Barrel: 0x
Pandero Prime Blueprint: 1x
Magnus Prime Receiver: 0x
Paris Prime Grip: 0x
Gara Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo G5 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Nekros Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Harrow Prime Blueprint: 1x
Galatine Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo G6 Trade
Rhino Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Sicarus Prime Barrel: 0x
Ankyros Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Boltor Prime Receiver: 3x
Glaive Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo G7 Trade
Afuris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fulmin Prime Barrel: 0x
Nautilus Prime Carapace: 0x
Cobra & Crane Prime Blade: 0x
Hildryn Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Grendel Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo G8 Trade
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Fulmin Prime Barrel: 0x
Okina Prime Handle: 0x (per 2)
Xaku Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Gauss Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Neo H1 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Fragor Prime Head: 0x
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Banshee Prime Blueprint: 0x
Tigris Prime Barrel: 0x
Hydroid Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Neo H2 Trade
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Euphona Prime Blueprint: 1x
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Ballistica Prime Receiver: 0x
Rubico Prime Barrel: 0x
Hydroid Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Neo H3 Trade
Ballistica Prime Lower Limb: 0x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Mesa Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Nami Skyla Prime Handle: 3x (per 2)
Hydroid Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Neo I1 Trade
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Wukong Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Zhuge Prime String: 1x
Akjagara Prime Receiver: 0x (per 2)
Limbo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Ivara Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Neo I2 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Dethcube Prime Systems: 0x
Stradavar Prime Barrel: 0x
Wukong Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Ivara Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Neo I3 Trade
Aksomati Prime Blueprint: 5x
Silva & Aegis Prime Hilt: 1x
Baza Prime Barrel: 0x
Sybaris Prime Receiver: 0x
Ivara Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Neo K1 Trade
Euphona Prime Blueprint: 1x
Silva & Aegis Prime Hilt: 1x
Valkyr Prime Blueprint: 0x
Helios Prime Blueprint: 2x
Zephyr Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Kogake Prime Gauntlet: 1x (per 2)
Neo K2 Trade
Banshee Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 1x
Braton Prime Barrel: 0x
Chroma Prime Blueprint: 0x
Akbolto Prime Link: 0x
Mirage Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Kogake Prime Gauntlet: 1x (per 2)
Neo K3 Trade
Burston Prime Blueprint: 0x
Rubico Prime Receiver: 2x
Braton Prime Receiver: 0x
Tiberon Prime Barrel: 0x
Kronen Prime Blade: 1x (per 2)
Neo K4 Trade
Inaros Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Panthera Prime Blueprint: 0x
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Paris Prime Grip: 0x
Knell Prime Barrel: 0x
Neo K5 Trade
Fang Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Revenant Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Afuris Prime Link: 2x
Scourge Prime Handle: 0x
Khora Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Neo K6 Trade
Bronco Prime Receiver: 0x
Cobra & Crane Prime Hilt: 0x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Hystrix Prime Blueprint: 0x
Wisp Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Khora Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo K7 Trade
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Fulmin Prime Barrel: 0x
Baruuk Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Gunsen Prime Handle: 0x (per 2)
Khora Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Neo K8 Trade
Corvas Prime Stock: 1x
Dual Keres Prime Blade: 0x (per 2)
Burston Prime Barrel: 0x
Garuda Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Khora Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Neo L1 Trade
Euphona Prime Blueprint: 1x
Kronen Prime Blueprint: 1x
Mirage Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Ballistica Prime Receiver: 0x
Silva & Aegis Prime Blade: 0x
Limbo Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Neo L2 Trade
Khora Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Strun Prime Receiver: 0x
Akbronco Prime Link: 1x
Corvas Prime Blueprint: 1x
Larkspur Prime Barrel: 0x
Neo L3 Trade
Lex Prime Receiver: 0x
Tatsu Prime Blueprint: 0x
Harrow Prime Blueprint: 1x
Orthos Prime Blueprint: 1x
Larkspur Prime Barrel: 0x
Neo L4 Trade
Burston Prime Blueprint: 0x
Velox Prime Receiver: 0x
Acceltra Prime Receiver: 1x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Larkspur Prime Barrel: 0x
Neo M1 Trade
Akbolto Prime Blueprint: 1x
Bronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Euphona Prime Barrel: 1x
Helios Prime Blueprint: 2x
Mirage Prime Blueprint: 0x
Neo M2 Trade
Akbronco Prime Blueprint: 0x
Burston Prime Stock: 0x
Bronco Prime Barrel: 0x
Limbo Prime Blueprint: 0x
Mesa Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Neo M3 Trade
Bronco Prime Receiver: 0x
Ivara Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Titania Prime Chassis Blueprint: 0x
Atlas Prime Chassis Blueprint: 10x Mesa Prime Systems Blueprint: 1x
Neo M4 Trade
Orthos Prime Handle: 0x
Scourge Prime Blade: 0x
Strun Prime Receiver: 0x
Nagantaka Prime Receiver: 0x Magnus Prime Barrel: 0x
Neo M5 Trade
Afuris Prime Blueprint: 0x
Burston Prime Receiver: 0x
Grendel Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 0x
Gauss Prime Blueprint: 0x Masseter Prime Blade: 0x
Neo N1 Trade
Hikou Prime Stars: 0x (per 2)
Vectis Prime Barrel: 0x
Kavasa Prime Collar Blueprint: 1x
Soma Prime Receiver: 0x
Nyx Prime Chassis Blueprint: 1x
Neo N2 Trade
Fang Prime Blueprint: 0x
Lex Prime Blueprint: 0x
Vasto Prime Barrel: 0x
Nova Prime Blueprint: 1x Vauban Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Neo N3 Trade
Lex Prime Barrel: 0x
Odonata Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Ash Prime Neuroptics Blueprint: 2x
Fang Prime Handle: 1x (per 2)
Nekros Prime Systems Blueprint: 0x
Neo N4 Trade
Ash Prime Chassis Blueprint: 2x
Braton Prime Stock: 0x
Paris Prime String: 1x
Venka Prime Blueprint: 1x Nikana Prime Blade: 0