News & recent changes

If you spot there's something wrong or missing, or if you have a great suggestion, feel free to contact me!

2024-10-02: Added the new items Koumei, Higasa and Amanata, as well as the new Prime Resurgence relics.
2024-08-21: Added the new items Sevagoth Prime, Epitaph Prime, Nautilus Prime and Verglas Prime incl. their relics.
2024-08-21: Added the new item Akmagnus Prime incl. its relic.
2024-06-18: Added the new quest items spoilersJade, Harmony, Cantare and Evensong., as well as the five new arcanes Arcane Battery, Arcane Ice Storm, Melee Afflictions, Secondary Fortifier and Secondary Surge.
2024-05-16: Added the new Kuva Sobek and Tenet Glaxion.
2024-05-03: Added Protea Prime, Velox Prime and Okina Prime, incl. their relics.
2024-04-15: Fixed Ruvox not having entry fields for the number of blueprints you own.
2024-03-27: Added the new items Dante, Ruvox and Onos.
2024-03-19: Added the Dex Nikana that will be added on the 27nd.
2024-03-06: Added a "Subsumed" checkbox and accompanying filter for all non-prime warframes. Enjoy tracking your helminth status!
2024-02-11: A new rating system has been introduced on the Items, Relics and Arcanes pages! This system replaces the old "Wanted" checkbox found on the Items page. Your "Wanted" settings have been migrated to the new rating system, where "unwanted" is mapped to "useless" and "wanted" is mapped to "neutral". It's now up to you to mark some favored items.
2024-01-17: Added the new items Gauss Prime, Acceltra Prime and Akarius Prime, incl. their relics.
2024-01-17: The duplicate Neo T5 definitions on Warframe's side have been fixed! The imposter (with Tenora Prime Receiver as rare drop) is now relabelled to Neo T8, while the original one (with Tenora Prime Barrel as rare drop) is still named Neo T5. Might you have tracked your Neo T5 counts without spotting this detail, it is advised to check these counts again.
2023-12-14: Added a new Whispers in the Walls update items spoilersQorvex, Mandonel, Ekhein and Grimoire, incl. the item source Bird 3 and the new melee arcanes. Not everything is yet known of these items, so I might update certain aspects Soon.
2023-11-17: Added a new Arcanes section to track your arcanes ownage! If you can think of something that would be a nice addition, please let me know via the contact form.
2023-11-03: The Gotva Prime can now also be obtained from Baro.
2023-10-21: Added the new item Dorrclave.
2023-10-18: Added the new items Dagath, Grendel Prime, Masseter Prime and Zylok Prime (incl. the new relics).
2023-09-15: Marked all Zariman incarnon weapons as tradeable.
2023-08-31: Added the new item Gotva Prime.
2023-08-12: Added the new item Prisma Ohma.
2023-08-08: The Damaged Necramech and Damaged Necramech Weapon placeholder items can now be marked as wanted or not, so that you can filter them out with the other unwanted crap if you're done with them.
2023-07-28: Added the new items Wisp Prime, Fulmin Prime, Gunsen Prime (incl. the new relics) as well as Argo & Vel.
2023-07-25: Updated the source of Glaxion Vandal (obtainable via Baro) and Wolf Sledge (obtainable via Nightwave).
2023-07-25: Finally laid the "vaulted" status to rest for relics and items, since all vaulted items are now obtainable on a somewhat frequently rotating schedule with Varzia.
2023-06-21: Added the new items Kullervo and Rauta.
2023-05-24: Added the missing Prima Lenz.
2023-05-17: Added the missing Cinta.
2023-04-26: Added the new Duviri Paradox items spoilersSun & Moon, Syam, Azothane, Edun and Sampotes, incl. their new source Teshin's Cave.
2023-03-28: This time really added the new item Burst Laser Prime.
2023-03-16: Added the new items Hildryn Prime, Larkspur Prime, Shade Prime and Burst Laser Prime, together with their relics. Vaulted Gara Prime, Astilla Prime and Volnus Prime, together with their relics.
2023-02-15: Added the new items Citrine, Steflos and Corufell.
2022-12-16: Added the new items Baruuk Prime, Afuris Prime and Cobra & Crane Prime, together with their relics. Vaulted Octavia Prime, Tenora Prime and Pandero Prime, together with their relics.
2022-11-30: Added the new items Voruna, Sarofang, Perigale, Tenet Plinx and Tenet Ferrox.
2022-11-04: The Vericres can now also be obtained from Baro (when Baro feels like it); it's source has been updated.
2022-10-06: Added the new items Revenant Prime, Tatsu Prime and Phantasma Prime, incl. their relics Lith H6, Lith P6, Lith R2, Lith S14, Meso K4, Meso N13, Meso P10, Meso P9, Neo T6, Axi N9, Axi T10.
2022-10-06: Vaulted Nezha Prime, Guandao Prime and Zakti Prime, incl. their relics Lith K9, Lith N11, Lith N12, Lith T9, Lith Z3, Meso G4, Meso H2, Meso H3, Meso P8, Neo N16, Axi N8 and Axi S12.
2022-09-07: Added the new Veilbreaker items spoilersStyanax, Slaytra, Aegrit and Afentis, incl. their new source Chipper. Also added Chem Lab as a source for the Ignis Wraith.
2022-08-28: Added the new TennoCon 2022 item Vericres. Since it's unknown when/if it'll come back at a future date, I've listed it as 'unobtainable' for now.
2022-08-21: It is now mandatory to verify your e-mail address in order to use this site. To finally keep true to the warnings, all unverified accounts will get purged Primed Soon™. This will happen on December 1st, 2022.
A verification invitation will be sent to all unverified users in the upcoming days. You also cannot sign in anymore when your account is not yet verified; an e-mail with a verification link is then also sent automatically.
This should give all unverified users plenty of time and opportunity to verify their account. Might something not pan out correctly for you though, please contact me using the contact page.
2022-08-17: E-mail address verification is now mandatory for new accounts. And to stay true to my promise that unverified accounts would be removed every now and then, a future patch will also require e-mail verification for unverified existing accounts. All unverified users will be notified well beforehand and will get plenty of time to verify.
2022-08-03: Completed the recipes of Aeolak and Hespar.
2022-07-16: Added the new items Khora Prime, Hystrix Prime and Dual Keres Prime, with their relics Lith K9, Meso H2, Meso H3, Meso O5, Meso P8, Meso V7, Neo D5, Neo G4, Neo N21, Neo S15, Axi G8, Axi K8, Axi K9, Axi K10, Axi N8 and Axi S12.
2022-07-16: Vaulted the items Inaros Prime, Panthera Prime and Karyst Prime, incl. the relics Lith H4, Meso G3, Meso I2, Meso N12, Meso P5, Meso P7, Neo K4, Neo N20, Neo P4, Neo V10, Axi G7, Axi K6, Axi K7, Axi O5, Axi S10 and Axi S11.
2022-06-09: Added the new Felarx and Innodem.
2022-05-12: Unvaulted Zephyr Prime, Chroma Prime, Tiberon Prime, Kronen Prime, Rubico Prime and Gram Prime, incl. their relics Lith C8, Lith T6, Meso R4, Neo K3, Neo Z8 and Axi G5. Re-vaulted Banshee Prime, Mirage Prime, Euphona Prime, Kogake Prime, Akbolto Prime, Helios Prime and Deconstructor Prime, incl. their relics Lith K5, Lith M7, Meso E5, Neo B6, Axi A12 and Axi H5.
2022-04-30: Each page now has a "Hide instructions" checkbox to make the page far less cluttered when you already know how it all works.
2022-04-30: Added the items page filter "Wantedness". The "Unwanted" option in the "Ownage" filter has been placed here, and the new option "Wanted" has been added.
2022-04-30: Tightened up some wording used in the items page filter options so the filter list takes up less screen space.
2022-04-27: Properly attributed all items sold by Little Duck to her instead of to Vox Solaris.
2022-04-27: Added the Angels of the Zariman items spoilersGyre, Alternox, Hespar, Aeolak, Praedos, Phenmor and Laetum. For now I do not yet know how mastery is gained from the Incarnon weapons (the last 3). I just added a "Mastered" checkbox to them, but there might come an update on that soon.
2022-03-29: Added the new relics Lith H4, Lith N11, Lith N12 and Axi S11.
2022-03-28: Added the new primes Garuda Prime, Nagantaka Prime and Corvas Prime (incl. their relics Lith G5, Lith S12, Lith Z3, Meso G4, Meso N12, Meso P7, Neo C2, Neo M4, Neo N20, Axi G7, Axi K7 and Axi S10).
2022-03-28: Vaulted the primes Titania Prime, Corinth Prime and Pangolin Prime (incl. their relics Lith C9, Lith G4, Lith H3, Lith N10, Lith S11, Lith T8, Meso P4, Meso S11, Meso Z4, Neo N17, Neo N18, Neo P3, Axi C7, Axi M2, Axi P4 and Axi S9).
2022-02-16: Vaulted Rhino Prime, Boltor Prime and Ankyros Prime incl. their relics Lith B4, Meso N6, Neo R1 and Axi S3. Unvaulted Banshee Prime, Mirage Prime, Euphona Prime, Kogake Prime, Akbolto Prime, Helios Prime and Deconstructor Prime, incl. their relics Lith K5, Lith M7, Meso E5, Neo B6, Axi A12 and Axi H5.
2022-01-26: Processed DE's hotfix where Lith P4 got added and Lith P2 got vaulted. Also unvaulted Lith B4, Meso N6, Neo R1 and Axi S3 now that Prime Resurgence is over and Rhino Prime and Nyx Prime are back from the prime vault.
2022-01-07: Corrected the source of certain quest related items; Cephalon Simaris is now also an option for them.
2021-12-18: Processed DE's hotfix where one of the duplicated Lith N9 was renamed to Lith N10. Please check your inventory to fix your relic counts on the Relics page.
2021-12-18: Added the New War items spoilersSirocco, Nataruk, Rumblejack, Nepheri, Korumm and Verdilac.
2021-12-16: Added the new Venato.
2021-12-15: Added the new item Caliban. Venato and the New War items will be added when their acquisition info becomes available.
2021-12-15: Harrow Prime, Scourge Prime and Knell Prime have been added, while Ivara Prime, Baza Prime and Aksomati Prime have been vaulted. This results in relics Lith C9, Lith H3, Lith S11, Lith T8, Lith T9, Meso A3, Meso G3, Meso I2, Meso S11, Neo K4, Neo N18, Axi C7, Axi K6, Axi P4, Axi S9 and Axi T8 being added and Lith A4, Lith I1, Lith K7, Lith N7, Lith N8, Lith T7, Meso B5, Meso B6, Meso C6, Meso S10, Neo P2, Neo T4, Neo T5, Axi A13, Axi A14, Axi C6, Axi G6 and Axi I2 being vaulted.
2021-11-17: Put Rhino Prime, Ankyros Prime, Boltor Prime and their relics Lith B4, Meso N6, Neo R1 and Axi S3 into the vault. Also added the new Prime Vanguard relics Lith K8, Lith L3, Lith N9, Lith R1, Meso B7, Meso P6, Neo A6, Neo D4, Neo H3, Axi D3 and Axi M3.
2021-10-15: The Vastilok is now also obtainable from Baro as well as tradeable.
2021-10-04: Added Bash Lab as source for the Ghoulsaw parts, and updated Zylok's source to be Baro.
2021-09-10: Fixed Strun Prime and Magnus Prime item recipes.
2021-09-08: Added the new item Ghoulsaw, and updated the Ambassador drop locations.
2021-09-08: Added the new Nidus Prime, Strun Prime and Magnus Prime, incl. their relics Lith K7, Lith N7, Lith N8, Lith T7, Meso B6, Meso B7, Meso S10, Neo N16, Neo N17, Neo P3, Neo T5, Axi A14, Axi I2 and Axi M2.
2021-09-08: Vaulted Atlas Prime, Tekko Prime and Dethcube Prime, incl. their relics Lith B8, Lith K6, Lith P5, Lith T4, Meso D6, Meso I1, Meso T5, Neo A5, Neo B7, Neo D3, Neo N15, Axi I1, Axi N7 and Axi T7.
2021-08-15: Updated the vaultedness of the relics belonging to the latest unvault (Lith B4, Meso N6, Neo R1 and Axi S3).
2021-08-11: Unvaulted Nyx Prime, Hikou Prime, Scindo Prime, Rhino Prime, Boltor Prime and Ankyros Prime.
2021-08-11: Re-vaulted Zephyr Prime, Chroma Prime, Tiberon Prime, Kronen Prime, Rubico Prime and Gram Prime, incl their relics Lith C8, Lith T6, Meso R4, Neo K3, Neo Z8 and Axi G5.
2021-08-11: Added the missing relics Lith G4, Neo D3 and Axi T7, and updated the vaulted state of Lith M6, Neo M3, Neo T3, Axi A2 and Axi B4. Axi A2 is a Baro relic, but that's as good as vaulted for most of the time :)
2021-08-01: Added Ambassador's ingredients and Halikar Wraith, and updated tradability of Ambassador, Arum Spinosa, Athodai, Broken War (parts only), Carmine Penta, Epitaph, Nautilus, Sporothrix, Stahlta (parts only), Stropha (parts only) and Velox (only parts).
2021-07-31: Added Vastilok.
2021-07-06: Added the new items Yareli, Kompressa, Bhaira Model Hound, Dorma Model Hound, Hec Model Hound, Lacerten, Batoten, Akaten, Tenet Envoy, Tenet Diplos, Tenet Spirex, Tenet Tetra, Tenet Flux Rifle, Tenet Arca Plasmor, Tenet Cycron, Tenet Detron, Tenet Agendus, Tenet Exec, Tenet Livia, Tenet Grigori, Kuva Grattler, Kuva Zarr, Kuva Hek, Ambassador and Cadus. Right -- happy grinding!
2021-07-04: Added Nautilus' forgotten weapon Verglas.
2021-07-03: Added the new Baro Ki'Teer item Prisma Machete, and added Baro as a new source for the Opticor Vandal.
2021-06-19: Gave the Kuva Twin Stubbas their proper name.
2021-05-25: Added the new Gara Prime, Volnus Prime and Astilla Prime (incl. their relics Lith A4, Lith K6, Meso P5, Meso T5, Meso Z4, Neo A5, Neo T4, Neo V10, Axi G6, Axi I1 and Axi N7). Vaulted Wukong Prime, Zhuge Prime and Ninkondi Prime (incl. their relics Lith D1, Lith D4, Lith G3, Lith N4, Lith T5, Meso B4, Meso K3, Meso N9, Meso P2, Meso P3, Meso R3, Meso T4, Neo N13, Neo N14, Neo P1, Neo R4, Neo T2, Neo Z5, Neo Z7, Axi A11, Axi T5, Axi T6, Axi W2 and Axi Z1).
2021-04-28: Unvaulted Zephyr Prime, Chroma Prime, Tiberon Prime, Kronen Prime, Rubico Prime and Gram Prime (and added the new relics Lith C8, Lith T6, Meso R4, Neo K3, Neo Z8 and Axi G5). Revaulted Banshee Prime, Mirage Prime, Euphona Prime, Kogake Prime, Akbolto Prime and Helios Prime (and their relics Lith K5, Lith M7, Meso E5, Neo B6, Axi A12 and Axi H5).
2021-04-13: Added Sevagoth and Epitaph.
2021-04-11: Improved the formatting of item counts and item names to make their status more unambiguous. Also fixed dynamic changes in this formatting leading to irritating input element repositioning.
2021-03-19: Added the long missing Nychus model MOA.
2021-03-19: Added all new items (Carmine Penta, Athodai, Nautilus sentinel) and updated locations of existing ones with the current changes (Ash, Oberon, Ignis Wraith and the new relics for Nyx, Valkyr, Scindo, Hikou, Cernos and Venka Prime; Lith C7, Meso N11, Neo V9, Axi S8 and Axi V10).
2021-02-24: Replaced Pangolin Prime blueprint by Pangolin Prime handle in the Axi C6 relic as per DE's fix.
2021-02-23: Added the new Octavia Prime, Pandero Prime and Tenora Prime, incl. their new relics Lith G3, Lith I1, Lith T5, Meso D6, Meso T4, Neo B7, Neo P2, Neo Z7, Axi C6, Axi O5 and Axi T6.
2021-02-23: Vaulted Equinox Prime, Stradavar Prime and Tipedo Prime, incl. their relics Lith B7, Lith C6, Lith D2, Lith D3, Lith M5, Lith N5, Lith N6, Lith P3, Lith P4, Lith S10, Lith S8, Lith W2, Meso C5, Meso E4, Meso G2, Meso N10, Neo A3, Neo D2, Neo E2, Neo I2, Neo S14, Neo Z6, Axi A10, Axi A6, Axi B3, Axi C5, Axi T4 and Axi W1. Also added the replacement relics Lith B8, Lith D4, Meso P4, Neo N14, Axi A13 and Axi W2
2021-02-16: Fixed a bug completely preventing you from adding any companions.
2021-01-25: Updated the source of Lavos and Cedo now that "Operation: Orphix Venom" is over and they can be bought from Father instead.
2020-12-18: Added the new Baro Ki'Teer item Prisma Dual Decurions.
2020-12-18: Added the new "Operation: Orphix Venom" items Lavos and Cedo. This operation also made the Basmu and Ceti Lacera blueprints tradable. Already crafted Necramech parts and Necramech Weapon parts are now also tradable.
2020-12-15: Unvaulted Banshee Prime, Mirage Prime, Euphona Prime, Kogake Prime, Akbolto Prime, Helios Prime and Deconstructor Prime incl. their relics Lith K5, Lith M7, Meso E5, Neo B6, Axi A12 and Axi H5.
2020-12-15: Re-vaulted Ember Prime, Frost Prime, Latron Prime, Reaper Prime, Sicarus Prime and Glaive Prime incl. their relics Lith G1, Meso F2, Neo S5 and Axi E1.
2020-12-13: Items which only had one tradable part now do not show the number of completed sets anymore, nor do they perma-mark the sole part as Needed-for-next-complete-set (gold-ish background); this info is completely irrelevant for those items.
2020-12-05: Pimped up the Items page so that common 'ingredient' items are now managed in only the most appropriate place. The Damaged Necramech (and -Weapon) parts are now managed like this under a newly introduced placeholder Damaged Necramech (and -Weapon) item, fixing the doubled up editable entries present since the recently added 2nd Necramech and Necramech weapon. And this system is also put to good use in Chroma's ingredient list; it now properly links back to the needed Ember, Frost, Saryn and Volt parts. NOTE FOR A FEW USERS: this removes the old hack I needed to use previously, where the Volt neuroptics listed under chroma was a fake duplicated item. All of you had both the true Volt neuroptics filled in as well as the fake Chroma one, so there was no way for me to tell how many Volt neuroptics you really had. Thus: double-check the true amount with your in-game inventory, since the fake one is now gone.
2020-12-01: Updated Damaged Necramech Capsule's name into Damaged Necramech Pod, just like it is in-game. Note though that the actual derived Necramech parts are named Capsules in-game.
2020-11-20: Added Bonewidow, Morgha, Catabolyst, Pulmonars, Bubonico, Proboscis Cernos, Sporothrix, Arum Spinosa, Sporelacer kitgun, Vermisplicer kitgun and Feverspine k-drive. Due to missing info, I have for now listed all of the Arum Spinosa and Sporothrix part sources as Bounty; this might be inacurate though.
2020-11-01: Added the Athodai.
2020-11-10: A bit late (only 1.5 months), but: re-vaulted Trinity Prime, Nova Prime, Dual Kamas Prime, Soma Prime, Vasto Prime and Kavasa Kubro Collar Prime incl. their relics Lith K4, Meso D5, Neo N12 and Axi S7.
2020-11-01: Fixed Keratinos, Sepulcrum, Trunma and Zymos to have # blueprint input fields for their parts too.
2020-11-01: Added the Vitrica.
2020-10-28: Added the new prime items Nezha Prime, Guandao Prime and Zakti Prime, including the new relics Lith B7, Lith D3, Lith N5, Lith N6, Lith P4, Lith P5, Lith T4, Meso C6, Meso G2, Neo D2, Neo E2, Neo N13, Neo S14, Neo Z6 and Axi Z1.
2020-10-18: Fixed the 'Items to build' counters on the Items page to do the right thing when toggling the item wanted/unwanted statusses.
2020-09-30: Unvaulted Ember Prime, Frost Prime, Latron Prime, Reaper Prime, Sicarus Prime and Glaive Prime incl. their relics Lith G1, Meso F2, Neo S5 and Axi E1.
2020-09-11: Added Cephalon Simaris to the source list for the Ether Daggers.
2020-08-30: Replaced the "Ingredient item" construct used with Equinox, Cortege and the Necramech with just listing the entire item's build tree 3 levels deep (instead of splitting it up in concrete 2-level deep item+parts lists). With this change the Cortege and Necramech now have set trade links as well.
2020-08-29: Now that broken Necramech and Cortage parts are tradable, I have added separate "Ingredient item" sub-items for them. This way you can now keep track of both a broken part count, a crafted part count, and the main item count. And there's now also a trade link on the broken items. This new "Ingredient item" style is also applied to Equinox's item structure. The only drawback is that there's no way for me to show links for trading whole sets this way; I'll fix that later.
2020-08-26: Added the new Deimos items Xaku, Quassus, Zymos, Keratinos, Trumna, Sepulcrum, Necramech, Mausolon, Cortege, the three Predasites and the three Vulpaphylas. For now, the Companions page lets you assign a gender to the new companions; I'll get rid of that later. And I listed Mausolon and Cortege under the new category "Necramech gun", but don't let that fool you; they're supposedly usable as archwing guns too!
2020-08-02: Fixed an issue where fallback manual page data submisions (i.e. not the default instant dynamic updating) would sometimes cause a server error.
2020-07-18: Added the new Inaros Prime, Karyst Prime and Panthera Prime, incl. their relics Lith D2, Lith M6, Lith P3, Lith S10, Mesi I1, Meso K3, Meso N10, Meso P2, Meso P3, Neo T3, Axi A11, Axi B4, Axi C5 and Axi W1.
2020-06-24: Updated the list of Simaris offerings regarding displaced quests & daily tribute items.
2020-06-18: Fixed that the Quatz was being listed under the name Gauss.
2020-06-11: Added the new warframe Protea plus the new items Velox, Stahlta, Stropha and Helstrum.
2020-05-26: Unvaulted Trinity Prime, Nova Prime, Dual Kamas Prime, Soma Prime, Vasto Prime and Kavasa Kubrow Prime Collar, together with their new relics Lith K4, Neo N12, Meso D5 and Axi S7.
2020-05-26: Revaulted Oberon Prime, Nekros Prime, Silva & Aegis Prime, Sybaris Prime, Tigris Prime and Galatine Prime, together with their relics Lith S9, Lith T3, Meso O4, Neo G3, Neo N11 and Axi S6.
2020-03-31: Added the new Titania Prime, Pangolin Prime and Corinth Prime incl. their new relics Lith C6, Lith M5, Meso C5, Meso E4, Meso R3, Neo M3, Neo P1, Neo R4, Axi G4, Axi T4 and Axi T5.
2020-03-31: Put Limbo Prime, Pyrana Prime and Destreza Prime into the vault, incl. their relics Lith L2, Lith M4, Meso E3, Meso L1, Meso R2, Neo G2, Neo I1, Neo M2, Neo R3, Axi A8, Axi D2, Axi P3 and Axi T3.
2020-03-25: Added the new Operation: Scarlet Spear items Ceti Lacera and Basmu.
2020-03-16: The Pennant has now been properly specced as having a blueprint and being tradable.
2020-02-29: Found the cause of the last known bug; complete item form submissions will now not error out anymore on illegal numeric input when pressing Enter on the form.
2020-02-29: Fixed the Quellor to have a number-of-blueprints entry field and being tradable.
2020-02-11: Unvaulted Oberon Prime, Nekros Prime, Silva & Aegis Prime, Sybaris Prime, Tigris Prime and Galatine Prime, incl. their new relics Lith S9, Lith T3, Meso O4, Neo G3, Neo N11 and Axi S6.
2020-02-11: Re-vaulted Ash Prime, Vauban Prime, Fragor Prime, Akstiletto Prime, Carrier Prime and Vectis Prime, incl. their relics Lith V7, Lith V8, Meso V6, Neo A4 and Axi A7.
2020-02-06: Added the new Kuva weapons Kuva Hind, Kuva Nukor and Kuva Bramma.
2019-12-28: Added the Shedu.
2019-12-17: Vaulted Zephyr Prime, Tiberon Prime and Kronen Prime, incl. their relics Lith K3, Meso N7, Meso T1, Meso T3, Meso W1, Meso Z3, Neo C1, Neo R2, Neo Z3, Neo Z4, Axi D1, Axi G3, Axi L5, Axi P2 and Axi R3.
2019-12-17: Added the new Ivara Prime, Aksomati Prime and Baza Prime, incl. their new relics Lith W2, Meso B4, Meso C4, Meso N9, Meso R2, Neo I1, Neo R3, Neo Z5, Axi A8, Axi A9, Axi B3 and Axi D2.
2019-12-14: Added the new Quellor and Pennant items.
2019-11-19: Unvaulted Ash Prime, Vauban Prime, Fragor Prime, Akstiletto Prime, Carrier Prime and Vectis Prime, incl. their new relics Lith V7, Lith V8, Meso V6, Neo A4 and Axi A7.
2019-11-19: Re-vaulted Valkyr Prime, Saryn Prime, Cernos Prime, Venka Prime, Nikana Prime and Spira Prime, incl. their relics Lith C5, Lith V6, Meso N8, Neo S13, Axi S5, and Axi V9.
2019-11-01: Added Grendel, Masseter, Vasca Kavat and all Kuva weapons (Kuva Karak, Quartakk, etc.). The jury is still out on whether I'll add the new Requiem relics to the relics page; on the one hand they are relics and might need inventory tracking, but on the other hand they have nothing to do with (prime) item part dropping... Feel free to msg me to tell me what you think!
2019-10-26: Fixed up the tradability of Braton Vandal, Dera Vandal, Gorgon Wraith, Imperator Vandal, Karak Wraith, Lato Vandal, Latron Wraith, Orvius, Snipetron Vandal, Strun Wraith and Twin Vipers Wraith parts. And since we had the Kubrow Prime Collar as a non-XP but tradable item as well, I've also added the Mantis, Scimitar and Xiphos for the same reason.
2019-10-02: Added the new primes and re-vaulted the old ones! So, added are: Atlas Prime, Tekko Prime, Dethcube Prime and Deth Machine Rifle Prime, together with the relics Lith D1, Lith K3, Lith L2, Lith S8, Meso D4, Meso W1, Meso E3, Meso W1, Neo A3, Neo T2, Neo Z4, Axi A6, Axi G3, Axi P2, Axi R3 and Axi T3. And removed are: Mirage Prime, Kogake Prime and Akbolto Prime, together with the relics Lith A3, Lith K2, Lith L1, Lith W1, Meso A2, Meso E2, Meso K2, Neo A2, Neo S12, Neo Z2, Axi G2, Axi M1, Axi P1, Axi R2 and Axi T2. Whoa.
2019-09-28: Added the Pathocyst.
2019-09-13: Reclassified Ignis Wraith's source now that it showed up at Baro Ki'Teer (so no longer 'Unobtainable').
2019-09-04: Unvaulted Valkyr Prime, Saryn Prime, Cernos Prime, Venka Prime, Nikana Prime and Spira Prime, incl. their new relics Lith C5, Lith V6, Meso N8, Neo S13, Axi S5, and Axi V9.
2019-09-04: Re-vaulted Rhino Prime, Nyx Prime, Ankyros Prime, Boltor Prime, Hikou Prime and Scindo Prime, incl. their relics Lith B4, Meso N6, Neo R1 and Axi S3.
2019-08-30: Added the new Gauss, Akarius and Acceltra items.
2019-08-14: Corrected the status of Sweeper Prime to be vaulted (it comes with the vaulted Carrier Prime).
2019-07-20: Fixed the issue where tweaking your "I want this" checkboxes on the items page caused a server error when submitting the form via the "Submit pending changes" buttons which appear after JavaScript had a hard time running on the page.
2019-07-18: Added the new Quatz pistol; the Amphis was already in the game before.
2019-07-17: Unvaulted Nyx Prime, Hikou Prime, Scindo Prime, Rhino Prime, Boltor Prime and Ankyros Prime incl. their vaulted relics Lith B4, Meso N6, Neo R1 and Axi S3.
2019-07-07: Added the new prime items Wukong Prime, Zhuge Prime and Ninkondi Prime, incl. their relics Lith L1, Lith W1, Meso A2, Meso K2, Meso N7, Neo R2, Neo S12, Neo Z3, Axi G2, Axi D1, Axi L5, Axi M1 and Axi P1.
2019-07-07: Re-unvaulted Equinox Prime, Stradavar Prime and Tipedo Prime incl. their relics (see 2 rows below). Turns out I was too trigger happy; only the prime access ended, but these items remain available in game for now.
2019-07-07: Re-vaulted Hydroid Prime, Ballistica Prime and Nami Skyla Prime, as well as their relics Lith B6, Meso D3, Meso R1, Neo G1, Axi A4, Axi H4, Axi L2 and Axi L3.
2019-07-06: Vaulted Equinox Prime, Stradavar Prime and Tipedo Prime, as well as their relics Lith M4, Lith P2, Meso E2, Meso M3, Meso Z3, Neo N10, Neo S11, Axi K5 and Axi T2.
2019-07-03: Re-vaulted Volt Prime, Loki Prime, Odonata Prime, Wyrm Prime and Bo Prime, as well as their relics Lith O2, Meso O3, Neo V8 and Axi L4.
2019-06-03: Marked Spectra Vandal and Glaxion Vandal as "Unobtainable" since their sole drop source (operation Hostile Mergers) is now over. Also corrected the source for Zylok and Wolf Sledge; they're also unobtainable from this time on (though the Wolf Sledge parts can be traded like the Ignis Wraith).
2019-05-24: Added the Operation: Hostile Mergers items Spectra Vandal and Glaxion Vandal.
2019-05-24: Added Simaris as the second source for all quest items (also pre-emptively added Veritux and Imperator, though DE will only do that Soon).
2019-05-24: Split the item source "Syndicates" into the six seperate syndicates; it was not really informative like that, and all other 'syndicates' were already their own categories.
2019-05-23: Added Wisp and the new weapons Fulmin, Komorex and Cyanex.
2019-05-02: Fixed that the 'new' relics Lith O2, Meso O3, Neo V8 and Axi L4 were marked as vaulted -- turns out DE didn't create new ones but recycled them from a previous unvaulting.
2019-04-30: Unvaulted Volt Prime, Loki Prime, Odonata Prime, Wyrm Prime and Bo Prime, as well as added their new relics Lith O2, Meso O3, Neo V8 and Axi L4.
2019-04-27: There's a new way to filter the Items and Relics pages: filter by name! When using the new filter, any existing filtering on owned, type, etc. is ignored, so that you now have a way to quickly find and edit items and relics which do not show due to your current filtering. No more "Show all", Page\Find... and afterwards re-applying your desired filtering just to quickly tweak a single item or relic.
2019-04-21: All items now have an "I want one" checkbox. When you want to ignore certain items from the "To build" settings in the "Item ownage" filter, you can now deselect that item's "I want one" state. This can be used to e.g. make the Items page shut up about the Equinox Day and Night aspects once you've built the Equinox warframe. But feel free to ignore other items as well. Unwanted prime items are also ignored on the Relics page. To access your "unwanted" list, put the "Item ownage" filter into the new "Unwanted" mode.
2019-04-21: The "Item part ownage" filter is now merged into the "Item ownage" filter on the Items page. The consequence is that you can now not filter out already built items for which you still miss parts, but that combination was useless anyway. All other filters also had a revamp; some options have been moved around a bit or recategorized (Alerts i.e. has been renamed to Nightwave).
2019-04-21: For items acting as ingredients to other items, the "Used in" column now also shows how many you need of them to build those other items.
2019-04-21: The "Item mastery" filter, when applied, now excludes unmasterable items. There's no use showing e.g. the Arcata when searching for items to still master.
2019-04-16: Added the ability to filter the Items page on items of which you do or do not have the main blueprint, and on items of which you do or do not have ingredient items. These filtering options can be found in the "Item part ownage" filter setting. The old with/without any parts filtering is just the combination of these two new filtering ways.
2019-04-09: What do you know: Broken War's recipe was in error not requiring two blades -- it's fixed now.
2019-04-05: Added the new Korrudo.
2019-04-02: The new primes Equinox Prime, Stradavar Prime and Tipedo Prime have been added, incl. their relics Lith M4, Lith P2, Meso E2, Meso M3, Meso Z3, Neo N10, Neo S11, Axi K5 and Axi T2. Oberon Prime, Sybaris Prime and Silva & Aegis Prime have been vaulted, incl. their relics Lith M3, Lith O1, Meso A1, Meso M2, Meso P1, Meso S8, Meso Z2, Neo N8, Neo S9, Axi C4, Axi K4 and Axi O4. Also added the new replacement relics Lith A3 and Neo C1. Phew.
2019-04-02: Fixed the Paracesis needing zero Galatines to craft (instead of one) -- if only it were that easy :)
2019-03-27: Ember Prime, Frost Prime, Latron Prime, Reaper Prime, Sicarus Prime and Glaive Prime have been returned to the vault, incl. their new relics Lith G1, Meso F2, Neo S5 and Axi E1.
2019-03-26: Added the missing Runway K-Drive.
2019-03-16: Added the Wolf of Saturn Six's Wolf Sledge.
2019-03-08: Hildryn, Tatsu, Larkspur, Opticor Vandal and Prisma Grinlok have just appeared on the Items page.
2019-03-05: Put the the three new Event-only relics Meso S9, Neo S10 and Axi N6 incl. their prime sets Saryn Prime, Spira Prime and Nikana Prime back into the vault.
2019-02-16: Added the three new Event-only relics Meso S9, Neo S10 and Axi N6, and unvaulted the vaulted prime sets that they bring (Saryn Prime, Spira Prime and Nikana Prime). The Lex Prime and Braton Prime were already normally available, so nothing changes there. Note that these relics can only be obtained during the upcoming 3 weekend, with each weekend it's own relic. Happy grinding!
2019-01-30: Finally thought about adding the three K-Drives - sorry for the delay.
2019-01-29: Restored Ember Prime, Frost Prime, Latron Prime, Reaper Prime, Sicarus Prime and Glaive Prime incl. their relics Lith G1, Meso F2, Neo S5 and Axi E1 from the vault.
2019-01-29: Put Nova Prime, Mag Prime, Soma Prime, Boar Prime, Dakra Prime, Vasto Prime and presumably Akvasto Prime incl. their relics Lith M2, Meso B3, Neo N9, Axi A5 and Axi S4 into the vault.
2019-01-09: Swapped the Braton Prime Blueprint for a Braton Prime Receiver in the Lith K2 relic, as per the latest hotfix.
2018-12-19: Added the new Fortuna-related gear Baruuk, Cobra & Crane, Exergis, Plinx, Galvacord, Cantic Prism Amp, Lega Prism Amp and Klamora Prism Amp. The last three can be found under the new source 'Vox Solaris'.
2018-12-18: Added the new primes Mesa Prime, Redeemer Prime and Akjagara Prime incl. their relics Lith B6, Lith M3, Meso A1, Meso M2, Meso Z2, Neo M2, Neo S9, Neo Z2, Axi H4, Axi L3 and Axi R2.
2018-12-18: Put Banshee Prime, Helios Prime and Euphona Prime incl. their relics Lith B5, Lith C3, Lith H2, Lith P1, Lith Z2, Meso B2, Meso Z1, Neo B5, Neo H2, Neo K2, Neo L1, Neo M1, Neo S7, Axi C3 and Axi E2 into the vault. Also added the new replacement relics Lith C4, Lith K2, Meso P1, Meso T3 and Axi C4.
2018-11-22: Garuda components' source is now correctly listed under "Bounties", and added Cryota, Tazicor and Vulcax.
2018-11-13: Unvaulted Mag, Nova, Soma, Boar, Dakra, Vasto Prime, incl the new relics they come in (Lith M2, Meso B3, Neo N9 and Axi S4). Also added the new Akvasto Prime with it's relic (Axi A5).
2018-11-08: Added all new Fortuna goodies! Enjoy collecting Garuda warframe, Nagantaka/Kreska/Ocucor/Battacor weapons, Catchmoon/Gaze/Rattleguts/Tombfinger Kitguns, Para/Lambeo/Oloro Moa's, and finally Oxylus + it's Multron Rifle! At this time it's uncertain how the mastery rank works on the K-Drives, and I might have misclassified some of the weapons, so that'll have to come in another update.
2018-10-29: Properly categorized the Cyngas as an archwing gun.
2018-10-13: Added the new Paracesis.
2018-10-12: Added the new Pupacyst and Falcor.
2018-09-25: Put Valkyr Prime, Venka Prime and Cernos Prime incl. their relics Lith B3, Lith C2, Lith T2, Lith V5, Lith Z1, Meso D2, Meso O2, Meso S7, Neo K1, Neo V7, Axi A3, Axi H3, Axi K3, Axi O3 and Axi V7 into the vault.
2018-09-25: Added the new primes Chroma Prime, Rubico Prime and Gram Prime incl. their relics Lith B5, Lith C3, Lith O1, Meso R1, Meso S8, Meso T3, Neo G1, Neo H2, Neo K2, Axi C3 and Axi O4.
2018-09-25: Put Nyx Prime, Hikou Prime, Scindo Prime, Rhino Prime, Boltor Prime and Ankyros Prime incl. their relics Lith B4, Meso N6, Neo R1 and Axi S3 back into the vault, while adding the new replacement relics Lith Z2, Meso D3, Neo A2 and Axi K4.
2018-09-15: Properly categorized the Veldt as a primary weapon.
2018-09-05: Added the Zylok to the items page.
2018-08-25: Fixed relics not dynamically being (re)filtered correctly once you implicitly alter their 'building 1st set of each reward' state by updating the underlying item counts from another Items page tab (you're still with me?).
2018-08-24: Added the new Revenant, Phantasma and Prisma Twin Gremlins to the items page.
2018-08-16: Added the new Rahn Prism amp to the items page.
2018-08-16: When updating the quantity fields on the relics page, the corresponding counters and statuses on any opened items page are now updated as well! And updating item blueprint/built counters now updates the corresponding counters and statuses on any opened relics page!
2018-08-16: Fixed the issue that, for main items (so not ingredient items), the relics page included the number of built items as well into the counters next to the rewards. This is correct for ingredient items, but not for main items. I also realized this counter isn't even documented anywhere, so I added that to the relics page.
2018-08-12: The Lenz was erroneously marked as a secondary weapon instead of as a primary - fixed that.
2018-08-09: The filters on the Relics and Items pages can now be reset with a single click.
2018-08-08: Added a public members page. If you want to appear on it as well with your in-game name, ensure you have your IGN filled in on the settings page and check the option to share it.
2018-08-08: To combat the proliferation of notices I added recently, you now have the option to dismiss the more feature-explaining ones.
2018-08-05: Added filtering relics on tier (lith, meso, neo, axi).
2018-08-05: Added a button for auto-generating the correct relic fissure recruitment chat text to the relics page. I hope this is somewhat helpful; I'll try it out myself for a while to see if it's a worthwhile addition. Let me know what you think of it!
2018-08-04: Freshened up the site a bit with a new style and artwork - I even managed to cobble up a real logo :). I hope you enjoy it!
2018-07-30: IMPORTANT: Due to popular request, and confusion with the old setup, the + and - buttons surrounding all number fields have been swapped. If you already developed a habit of blindly clicking these buttons, please relearn it :)
2018-07-30: Fixed the red lines indicating a vaulted item or relic sometimes not being shown depending on page layout and zoom level, and upgraded them to proper red crosses too (which helps with legibility).
2018-07-26: Added Excalibur Umbra and Skiajati after finding out they gave MR as well upon obtaining them.
2018-07-24: Added the unvaulted Nyx Prime, Hikou Prime, Scindo Prime, Rhino Prime, Boltor Prime and Ankyros Prime incl. their new relics Lith B4, Meso N6, Neo R1 and Axi S3.
2018-06-23: Added the new replacement relics Lith T2, Lith V5, Meso B2, Meso S7, Neo N8 and Axi A4.
2018-06-19: Added Limbo Prime, Destreza Prime and Pyrana Prime + accompanying relics.
2018-06-19: Marked Nekros Prime, Galatine Prime and Tigris Prime as vaulted.
2018-05-18: Fixed Onorix recipe to have 2 blades instead of 1.
2018-05-11: Fixed automatic ownage filter updating not being applied correctly to ingredient items after building the main item, when the ingredient item would be all used up.
2018-05-06: Fixed Orvius recipe to have 2 blades and 1 disc instead of the reverse.
2018-04-30: Fixed Chroma recipe to also include Volt Neuroptics.
2018-04-27: Fixed Kronen Prime recipe to need 2 blades and handles, and fixed relic reward table for Axi K2.
2018-04-20: Added Khora, Hystrix, Dual Keres, Veldt, Sepfahn strike Zaw, Rabvee strike Zaw and Dokrahm strike Zaw. The Lato Vandal and Braton Vandal have been lifted out of the category "unobtainable".
2018-04-20: Fixed Supra Vandal's source.
2018-04-10: Returned the primes of Ember, Frost, Loki, Bo, Glaive, Latron, Reaper, Sicarus and Wyrm to the vault, as well as the associated relics Lith G2, Meso E1, Meso F3, Neo E1, Neo F1, Axi L1 and Axi S2.
2018-03-20: Added Zephyr Prime, Kronen Prime and Tiberon Prime. Vauban Prime, Fragor Prime and Akstiletto Prime have been moved into the vault.
2018-03-20: Some relics containing only unvaulted prime items were themselves erroneously marked as unvaulted as well (like the Neo S5); this has been fixed.
2018-03-16: Next to each relic on the relics page is now a 'trade' link which brings you to the site to start trading immediately and/or to get information on, prices etc. All unvaulted relics also have a 'farm' link next to them which brings you to the site to see where that relic can be farmed.
2018-03-03: For each reward on the Relics page, it now shows in more detail whether you already built that prime part's set, and/or whether you have enough of them to build your 1st set. This makes it easier to see which relics you do not need to bother yourself with anymore, because you already have collected enough of their prime parts to at least own the sets offered by it.
2018-02-15: The tradability of syndicate archwing parts is now also reflected in the trading indicators on the items page. Also, all tradable items, parts and sets now have a 'trade' link next to them which brings you to the site to start trading immediately and/or to get information on, prices etc.
2018-02-11: The site is officially not in Beta anymore!
2018-02-11: The list of used categories in the item source filter has been vastly increased and revamped. As a result, all remembered item source filter settings have been reset. To empower you, the item's source and type is now also displayed. Amp prisms and zaw strikes now also properly link to their Wiki pages.
2018-02-07: Added new relics for the newly unvaulted prime items, and updated the list of vaulted items.
2018-01-14: Added missing Baro Ki'Teer items (Prisma Shade + Prisma Burst Laser, Viper Wraith).
2018-01-05: The relics page now also shows you how many of each part you need (for those sets that require more than one of the same prime item), and the 'owned' indicator now also makes use of this.
2017-12-22: The filter options now stick to the top of the screen when you scroll down, making them available at all times.
2017-12-21: Added the new items (Corinth, Gunsen, Quartakk and Stubba).
2017-12-15: Put the Founders exclusive items under their own source category so as not to confuse the new players, and added the new Prime items (Mirage Prime, Akbolto Prime and Kogake Prime).
2017-12-13: Added all Amp prisms and Zaw strikes to keep track of the mastery for those.
2017-11-28: Added the Cassowar and Baza items.
2017-11-08: The items page now also shows you which tradable parts sets you have; filtering is added for this as well.
2017-11-06: Due to all added functionality to the items page, the prime sets page has become redundant and has been merged with the items page.
2017-11-02: The items page now allows you to keep track of the number parts you have, and it can now be filtered to show only prime sets.
2017-10-29: Filtering capabilities on the prime sets, relics and items pages has vastly been improved.
2017-10-28: The items page now also lists all ingredients to all items, most useful for the wraith and vandal items.
2017-10-17: PoE update: added the newly added weapons and warframe to the items page.
2017-10-16: The items page now also shows which items you own; especially handy in combination with the "uses" and "used in" columns.
2017-10-10: The items page now also shows the item status in the "uses" and "used in" columns, as well as little go-to-item links there for easy navigation.
2017-10-10: The items page can now filter on item type.
2017-10-09: The prime sets, items and relics pages now show lots more detailed stats of the things they show.
2017-10-07: Added relics page to keep track of your relics.
2017-10-07: Your filtering preferences for the items and prime sets pages is now saved.
2017-10-06: Some bug fixes & streamlining (hey - still in beta), and added artwork.
2017-10-02: Prime sets page now shows how many unique prime sets you already own, or at least can build.
2017-10-02: Items page now shows how many unique items you already own (blueprint or built), and how many you already master.
2017-09-30: Updated prime parts & items lists.
2017-09-28: The site went live! It's still a closed beta version though, so things might change around a bit.